International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Business meeting AVE Lisbon 2018

Business meeting AVE Lisbon
June 27-30 2018

1. Welcome and opening remarks
2. Up to date SG list
• The list has been updated
3. Minutes of the Study Group’s Business Meeting in Limerick (to be approved)
• Approved with unanimity
4. Publication of Ethnomusicology in Audiovisual Time, edited by Yu Hui. (selected papers from AVE Ljubliana 2016)
• The book has been announced, nevertheless it was not possible to present it officially.
• Leonardo read e-mail message from Yu Hui, explaining that it is published as a book, not a book of proceedings.
5. Next Study Group Symposium in 2020, location, dates and themes
Location and dates:
• Proposal from Nico Staiti to host the 3rd meeting in July 2020 at the University of Bologna (among the oldest universities in the world, one of the best ranked in Italy)
• In July the University will host also the ethno-coreology study group meeting. We can do it together (they have enough space for it) or subsequently.
• Suggestion that it would be better to have the conferences separately but in successive dates, so that people could attend both if they wanted.
• Dario suggested the 1st week of July, Miguel Angel the 2nd.
• Dario suggests there is no need for themes in such a small conference
• Jennie says organized panels may be better
• There is an agreement that organized panels seem a good choice to foster discussions, we could try to prioritize such formats
• Call for panels, and then call for papers
• Michael - DIY Films, Directors/Producers - talks about Porto Pop Music Archive
Workshops and conference format:
• Practical workshop - could be at the beginning or the end of the conference
• Focused on specific aspects in order to keep improving our technical skills
• Dario says the conference format doesn’t work so well because of the films. Some proposals that have been discussed:
o 30 minute presentations in which 15 must be audiovisual
o 20 minute papers in the morning, in plenary sessions, and parallel film screenings by the afternoon
o streaming festival (one week before/after)
o Isobel: “would be nice to have general public involved in film screenings”
• There is a suggestion to make the films available online before the symposia, to make it less intense
6. Program committee
• Papers: Jennie Gubner, Sonja Kieser, Eugenio Giorgianni
• Films: Ben Harbert, Miranda Van der Spek, Dario Ranocchiari
7. “Borsa Carpitella”
• AVE SG member: Jennie Gubner
8. “Long distance” presentations
• 3 cases people wanted to present without coming
• There is a general agreement to accept such presentations in extreme circumstances
• Suggestions to accept it only for films: show a film and then have a 5 minute Skype session
• Showing pre-recorded presentations is dull, need for dialogue
• Criteria for exceptional circumstances: maybe natural disasters and political crises.
• Accepting papers via Skype cannot be a rule but an exception
9. Elections in 2020 to renew the board
• Agreement for the 4 years term
• In Bologna there will be elections
• We still have to define a procedure to present candidatures
10. Other matters
Proposal for collaboration with documentary film festival
• International Heritage Film Festival (HERITALES)
• University of Evora
• Involved in the project since 2006, now quite a legitimate festival. Started as a film festival based in Evora. They did two seasons there and in 3 years they did over 50 events. They do conferneces, movies, theaters, music, video games, everything related to heritage.
• They have a holistic view of heritage, 70-80% of work comes from anthropological studies, ethnological studies, archeological studies, but they want to have this broad view on heritage, they don't want to be too boxed in.
• It used to be a festival organized every September in Evora (a UNESCO town), but this year they are moving to an itinerant festival format, doing events a few times a month until 2019. In 2019 there will be a final awards ceremony with all the films shown over the year.
• He is here to ask:
o to submit movies to the festival, (this year’s theme is rights gathering and sustaining for local culture- modern and future culture)
o to propose any type of event that really meets the sub theme of this year. They have calls for film, artwork, call for spaces. With call for spaces they are trying to collaborate with different spaces around Europe and maybe in Brazil. If some of us wants to offer a space to host the event, that would be great.
o They are also looking for collaboration, organizing a session on specific research topics, to have jury members from a wide variety of backgrounds, etc.
• Suggestions: member profiles; bibliographic references; lists of festivals and specific journals; list of authors and filmmakers based in different countries
• Michael McDonald offers to build the webpage with a design team from his university
• There is general agreement for creating a peer review sistem for films that avoids consolidated and very expensive editorials (Kanopy, DER, etc.).
• Michael proposes a peer review system within MusCan – Canadian University Music Society. He wants to pitch society to move to OJS (open journal system), library has agreed to host it, already worked out film management side, this year society will vote on it. When he gets the approval, then we will have a peer-reviewed spot. He will need our collaboration for the editorial board.
• Ben Harbert will push with SEM to have the Ethnomusicology journal in a multimodal format.
• Isobel Clouter says that we could work with British Library to have audiovisual materials hosted there permanently:
o Simple agreement form that does not take your rights, and you say if you want it online or not.
o With Nepal film festival, people sent films in media files and they went into digital storage. If you want it online, then you can put it on a Vimeo page.