A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
Ethnochoreology in the Time of COVID 19
Virtual Round Table and StG Business Meeting: 20-21 July
Congratulations and Thank You to Selena Rakocevic ad Anne Von Bibra Wharton for their great efforts in organizing the Round Table and in making such a great success possible! Thanks go to the hosting institution, the Faculty of Music University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia). The online event attracted over 90 registrants, excellent papers, and engaged discussion. Below is the documentation published prior to the event:
The Programme Co-Chairs of the 31st Symposium and the Study Group Executive Committee, invite you to participate in a virtual meeting over a two day period: Monday and Tuesday, July 20 and 21, 2020. The purpose of the meeting is two-fold:
(1) Study group Business Meeting related to elections and initial planning for the 32nd symposium in 2022;
(2) Meeting with roundtable(s) focused on ethnochoreology in a time of physical/social distancing.
The virtual sessions will start each day at 16.00 Central/Southern European time; 7:00 a.m. Pacific time (Los Angeles), 19.30 (India); 12 midnight Australia. Each day's sessions will not exceed 2.5 hours. An invitation and further details will be shared closer to the event.
The Study Group Executive Committee will be sending a separate email with more details about the business meeting portion in the coming weeks.
Please read the attached to join the Round Table!