Business Meeting of the ICTM Study Group “Music and Minorities” Ro? (Croatia), 31st August 2004 Chaired by Ursula Hemetek and Svanibor Pettan Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Report of the Study Group’s 5th Business Meeting in Quanzhou in 2004 (Svanibor Pettan) 3. Report of activities: Proceedings of the 2nd Study Group Meeting in Lublin (Gerda Lechleitner/Ursula Hemetek), 3rd Study Group Meeting in Ro? (Naila Ceribaši?) 4. Study Group’s 7th Business Meeting at the ICTM World Conference in Sheffield in 2005 5. Other activities during the World Conference in 2005: panel discussions, special presentations 6. The 4th Study Group Meeting in 2006: location, time and themes 7. Proceedings of the Study Group Meeting in Ro? 8. Other matters 1. Ursula Hemetek briefly presents the history of the Study Group and expresses her gratitude to the members (now about 170 members from different parts of the world) for their activities and interest. 2. Svanibor Pettan chaired the Study Group’s 5th Business Meeting at the ICTM’s 37th World Conference in China. Most Study Group members were not able to attend the conference because of the shifting of dates, so a panel planned to present the Study Group had to be cancelled. Still, new colleagues developed interest in the Study Group in China and some of them came to Ro?. 3. Gerda Lechleitner and Ursula Hemetek present a copy of the Lublin proceedings, which they co-edited with Anna Czekanowska and Inna Naroditskaya. The publisher, Cambridge Scholars Press, had offered only 6 free copies, so The Institute for Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology in Vienna purchased more copies, which will be made available to the contributors in October 2004. The local organizer of the meeting in Ro?, Naila Ceribaši?, shares some of her experiences for the benefit of the future organizers. It was a good idea to choose a small place and to include local community in both organization and musical presentations. Financial support could be achieved more easily if the program would be available earlier. Last moment cancellation on behalf of participants should be avoided to whatever extent possible. Gathered scholars shared the opinion that Naila Ceribaši? and her team excellently organized the meeting and expressed gratitude. 4. / 5. Sheffield, 3-10 August 2005. Business-meeting of the Study Group will include the elections for the board, which have to take place every three years. Additionally Svanibor Pettan, chair of the Program committee, encourages the proposition of panels by the Study Group members. Gisa Jaehnichen plans to organize a panel on “Music, Dance, and War”, Dorit Klebe on “Music, Dance, Islam”, Zuzana Jurkova on “New Research” and Ursula Hemetek on “Applied Ethnomusicology”. Further ideas are welcome. Deadline for submitting the abstracts is 1 November 2004. 6. There were three invitations for the next Study Group meeting: Rosemarie Statelova proposed Varna (Bulgaria), Zuzana Jurkova proposed Prague (Czech Republic), and Mark Slobin proposed Middletown (USA). Though delighted about the possibility to expand the Study Group meetings from the European locations, several participants expressed fear from high expenses and likely inability to attend the meeting in America, even if there were grants. Therefore, Svanibor Pettan’s idea to propose to Mark Slobin organization of an ICTM colloquium (rather than a study group meeting) on a minority-related topic, was accepted. Anonymous voting on the remaining locations Varna and Prague led to a tie (11/11) and only repeated voting enabled Varna to win with 12/8. So, the 4th Study Group meeting will be held in Bulgaria in the summer time 2006. Exact dates will be proposed later by the local organizer Rosemarie Statelova and her team. Discussion on the themes for the meeting in Varna filled the pool with the following proposals: Mixed marriages and families Hybridity as a musical concept Race-class-gender in historical perspective Minority-minority relations Music industry and minorities Musical identity under pressure Theoretical and methodological aspects Musical activities of women (viewed as a minority) Changing gender roles in the diaspora European and American approaches to the music of minorities Ethic considerations in minority studies Music education of minority children Two new presentation formats are proposed for the next Study Group meeting: (a) “Current Research” should provide students with the opportunity to give short (10 minutes) presentations of their ongoing research and receive feedback. These presentations are not meant for publication. (b) “Video Session” should be included in extended time-slots. 7. As usually, local organizer is in charge of publishing the proceedings. Naila Ceribaši? agrees to function as main editor, Erica Haskell as language editor, and Gerda Lechleitner will be responsible for the mastering of the accompanying CD. Extended abstracts in Croatian will be included in the book. Naila Ceribaši? will send the technical data for contributors soon; the deadline for handing in the manuscripts will probably be 1 December 2004. The idea of including edited transcripts of final discussions was abandoned. 8.Adelaida Reyes kindly agreed to write reports for the ICTM’s Bulletin and SEM’s Newsletter. Ursula Hemetek, Gerda Lechleitner