A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
Since April 2019, all ICTMD members in good standing can access Traditions of Music and Dance (2025–present), the Yearbook for Traditional Music (1981–2024), the Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council (1969–1980), and the Journal of the International Folk Music Council (1949–1968), via Cambridge Core, at no additional cost.
This unrestricted and unprecedented access to eight decades of international research on music and dance is a benefit that ICTMD members have been requesting for a long time. It has now been made possible by our partnership with Cambridge University Press.
To access the issues, you need to log into the ICTMD website using your username and password on this page. After doing this successfully, click on the link “Access Traditions of Music and Dance at Cambridge Core” found underneath the heading “Benefits for members in good standing.” This will take you to the appropriate page at Cambridge Core and give you access to the Council's journals there. Please be aware that the access will not be granted unless:
You are logged in to the ICTMD website with your username and password;
Your ICTMD membership is current, and
You visit Cambridge Core through the link mentioned above.
We are sure the ICTMD community at large (especially students, new members, and members in countries where ICTMD has not had a strong historical presence) will greatly benefit from this extremely useful new feature.