The 10th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Maqam will be held from 29 to 30 June 2018 in Shaki, Azerbaijan, in the framework of the International Musical Festival “Silk Road” (from 27 June to 1 July). The host and local organizer of Symposium is the Composers Union of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Chairman Professor Franghiz Alizadeh).
The main theme of the Symposium will be “The Maqam/Mugam Traditions and the Global Changes in the Contemporary World”.
1989, Maqām - Rāga - Zeilenmelodik, Konzeptionen und Prinzipien der Musikproduktion, Materialien der 1. Arbeitstagung der Study Group "maqām" beim International Council for Traditional Music vom 28. Juni bis 2. Juli 1988 in Berlin (Hrg.), Berlin 1989, 344 p.( can be ordered with: Jürgen Elsner, e-mail:
Longterm conceived but shortterm embedded in the IInd International Musicological Symposium on Mugham within the framework of the International Festival “Space of Mugam” (March 14-21, 2011, Baku), the 7th meeting of the ICTM Study Group “maqām” was held in Baku on March 15-17, 2011 in the concert hall of the Composers’ Union of Azerbaijan.
After an interval of five years the Study Group MAQĀM could continue its regular meetings. By invitation of the Ministry of Culture of People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region the 6th Meeting of the Study Group MAQĀM was held from 24th to 29th of September at Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang. The main topic of the conference has been “Muqām in Xinjiang/China and outside, history and present”.
1. Maqam - Raga - Zeilenmelodik, Kenzeptionen und Prinzipien der Musikproduktion. Materialien der Study Group \\\"maqam\\\" beim International Council for Traditional Music vom 28. Juni bis 2. Juli 1988 in Berlin, hg. von J. Elsner, Berlin 1989, 344 S., DEM 10,- plus postage