International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

ICTMD Study Group on Musics of East Asia

The mission of the Study Group is to provide a platform for ICTMD members worldwide who share an interest in the music and dance of East Asia. This includes a broad stylistic and geographical scope, encompassing East Asian music and dance in the diaspora, as well as indigenous, transplanted, and syncretic traditions within East Asian countries. Other performing arts related to music and dance are also included as subjects of study.

Executive Committee Members for 2024-2026: 

HSU Hsin-Wen (Chair), Matthew GILLAN (Vice-chair), Jocelyn CLARK (Secretary), Adam KIELMAN, LAW Ho Chak, LI Ya, WASEDA Minako.


HSU Hsin-Wen (National Taiwan Normal University)

Upcoming Event:

Study Group Welcome Meeting – Musics of East Asia, 48th World Conference of the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance 

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM, Thursday, January 9, 2025
Venue: T1, Session IC04

Call for Papers: 6th Symposium of the Study Group on Musics of East Asia

Dates: Tuesday 21 August-Thursday 23 August 2018

Venue: National Gugak Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Organized and hosted by the National Gugak Center and the Korean Musicological Society

Abstract submission deadline: 20 January 2018

Submit abstracts to:

Executive Committee


MEA Executive Committee 2022-2024    

Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Musics of East Asia

21–23 August 2014.
Nara, Japan.
Submissions deadline: 20 Dec 2013.

The Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA), which was formed within the framework of the International Council for Traditional Music in 2006, is pleased to announce its fourth symposium, to be held from 21 to 23 August 2014 at Nara University of Education. Those interested in East Asian Musical Cultures are welcome to become members and attend the symposium to exchange knowledge and ideas and further develop the field.

3rd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA) 31 July-2 August 2012

3rd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA)
31 July-2 August 2012   
Chinese University of Hong Kong 

Attention!  New Proposal Deadline: 10 January 2012

The Second Conference of the ICTM Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA) 24-26 August 2010, The Academy of Korean Studies, Korea (ROK)

The Second Conference of the ICTM Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA)
24-26 August 2010
The Academy of Korean Studies, Korea (ROK)

The Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA), which was formed within the framework of ICTM in 2006, is pleased to announce its second meeting, to be held 24, 25 and 26 August 2010 in Korea, at the Academy of Korean Studies. Those interested in East Asian musical cultures are welcome to become members and attend the conference to exchange knowledge and ideas and further develop the field.

MEA business meeting, 4 July 2009, Durban

Dear all,

Here is a report on the MEA business meeting held on July 4, 2009 during the ICTM World Conference in Durban. The Executive Board Members in attendance
were: Minako Waseda (Secretary), Sheen Dae Choel (Local Committee Chair of the MEA Conference 2010 in Korea), and Xiao Mei. We also had a previous board member, Tsai Tsanhuang, who is the Program Chair of the MEA Conference 2010 in Korea. Following is a summary of the meeting:

Conference of the ICTM Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA)

Call for Papers and Compositions
The First Conference of the ICTM Study Group for
Musics of East Asia (MEA)
December 20-22, 2007 Shanghai
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Adrienne Kaeppler

ICTM Musics of East Asia Operating Procedures

Executive Committee
1. Executive Committee members must be current ICTM members who are active in East Asian music research.
2. In the nomination and election of Executive Committee members, the following factors should be taken into consideration: scholarly work, commitment to the Study Group, ability to communicate and present in both English and the language of their research area, ability to represent their scholarly communities, and ability to mobilize interest in the Study Group.
