A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Indigenous Music and Dance (ICTMD-IMD) with a joint day with the ICTMD Study Group on Music and Minorities
The 2nd Symposium of the ICTMD Study Group on Indigenous Music and Dance will be held from 22 to 25 November 2024 in Chiayi, Taiwan (and not from the 15th to 18th as previously announced). The symposium will be hosted by the ICTMD Taiwan Regional Committee, Nanhua University and National Chiayi University. Furthermore, after the joint day in Colombo with the Study Group on Music and Minorities (December 2023), we are looking forward to joining forces once again. The venues of the symposium will be the Chiayi Museum and Chiayi City Concert Hall, which are adjacent to each other and with plenty of facilities for accommodation, dining, sightseeing, and recreation nearby. [https://eng.taiwan.net.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0002117&id=5056]
This symposium is concerned with the practice, research and documentation of music, dance, and ceremony across the fullest array of Indigenous contexts worldwide. This includes national contexts in which Indigenous peoples still struggle to have their sovereignty and rights recognised, as well as those from which former colonial powers have withdrawn, yet their institutional structures remain entrenched. The symposium is a forum for cooperation among music and dance practitioners and scholars to share and discuss music, dance and ceremony, and their connections to Indigenous modes of knowledge production and strategies for cultural survival. It encourages research into Indigenous music and dance from a broad range of perspectives, including performance as research. We encourage a wide variety of topics that engage with composition, performance, education, community, wellbeing, policy, industry, rights, equity, collections, and the environment.
The 2nd Symposium’s overarching theme will be: Being Indigenous
The Symposium invites proposals for presentations on topics relating to Indigenous music and dance in the following themes:
Concepts and Contradictory Approaches Emerging between the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Addressing the Intellectual Property Related to Indigenous Wisdom)
Papers: spoken papers (in-person or online) will be allotted 20 minutes for the presentation plus discussion time. Proposals should include a title, an abstract of 250 words, a short bio (100 words) of the presenter, affiliation and contact information (email), and 3-5 keywords. Please note that accepted online presenters must submit their pre-recorded presentations prior to the symposium.
Themed Group Panels: Authors of papers that share a common theme may propose to deliver them in a panel session of 90-120 minutes (3 or 4 papers). Each paper should be submitted separately, and will be reviewed following the same process as that for spoken papers (see above for guidelines). In addition, a separate submission should be entered for the session as a whole, including a title, 350-word abstract, and 5-7 keywords.
Lecture-Demonstrations and Other Formats: Proposals for these formats can be submitted using a 300-word abstract with brief descriptions of academic and non-academic participants, the chosen format, and technical or space requirements. These presentations still fall in the same category as papers and panels: the aim is to present case studies, analyses, theoretical viewpoints, supported by or initiated from live performance or other modes of presentation. Concerts and Workshops: we welcome presentations that have made limited use of speaking and discourse, and put an emphasis on the practise itself. Proposals use a 300-word description, a short bio (100 words) of each presenter, the proposed duration and time of the day, chosen format, technical or space requirements and other necessities. These proposals will be reviewed separately by co-organisers chosen by the LAC.
Proposals will be accepted from ICTMD members. Non-members are welcome to submit their abstracts but need to (re)activate their ICTMD membership in 2024 ahead of the symposium.
Please submit proposals to Dr Xinjie Chen or Dr Shuo Niki Yang: xinjiechen@whcm.edu.cn
The Symposium will be facilitated in both English and Chinese.
Researchers capable of writing in English should submit their abstracts in English to facilitate the reviewing process by the international multi-lingual program committee.
However, for researchers and practitioners who can only write in Chinese, translation services will be offered by the organizing committee. Please indicate if this is a requirement to the committee when submitting an abstract.
Deadline for submissions: February 29, 2024
Feedback will be announced by April 1, 2024 (accept, modify, reject)
Dr. Xinjie Chen Prof. Aaron Corn
Prof. Klisala Harrison Prof. Victoria Levine Prof. Svanibor Pettan Prof. Mayco A. Santaella Dr. Anthea Skinner
Dr. Mark van Tongeren Prof. Yuh-Fen Tseng Dr. Shuo Niki Yang
Prof. Ming-Hui Ma Prof. Ya-Chen Lee Prof. Yuh-Fen Tseng
To be announced by March 1, 2024
Please contact Dr Shuo Niki Yang or Dr Xinjie Chen if you have any questions: yshuo@ccom.edu.cn
We look forward to receiving your abstracts!
會 議 徵 文 通 知
第二屆 ICTMD 原住民音樂舞蹈研究小組(暨)音樂與少數民族研究小組國際聯合論壇
第二屆國際傳統音樂舞蹈學會原住民音樂舞蹈研究小組(ICTMD-IMD)將於 2024 年
11 月 22 日至 25 日在臺灣嘉義市博物館與音樂廳舉行, 期間亦將邀請國際傳統音樂舞蹈學會音樂與少數民族研究小組共同舉辦一日聯合論壇。本次論壇由 ICTMD 臺灣分會、南華大學和嘉義大學聯合承辦。[https://www.taiwan.net.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0001016&id=8987]
僅接受 ICTMD 會員繳交提案。歡迎非會員者加入或更新 ICTMD 會員身份並完成會員註冊後提交摘要。
xinjiechen@whcm.edu.cn yshuo@ccom.edu.cn
2024 年 2 月 29 日。組委會將於 2024 年 4 月 1 日之前發佈審核決議(接受、修改或
陳心傑 博士
Aaron Corn 教授Klisala Harrison 教授Victoria Levine 教授Svanibor Pettan 教授
Mayco A. Santaella 教授Anthea Skinner 博士Mark van Tongeren 博士曾毓芬 教授
楊爍 博士
馬銘輝 博士李雅貞 博士曾毓芬 教授
將於 2024 年 4 月 1 日之前確定,若您有任何問題,請即時與陳心傑或楊爍博士聯繫: xinjiechen@whcm.edu.cn