International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

2011 - 3rd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology Call for Papers

for Nicosia, Cyprus, 18-22 April 2012

The International Council for Traditional Music’s Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology welcomes proposals for its Cyprus symposium. It which will be hosted in collaboration with the Cyprus Musicological Society and the University of Nicosia with support from the Department of Social and Political Science of the University of Cyprus. The symposium features three main themes.


1. Politics and practices of applied ethnomusicology: Social activism, censorship, state control

State control can take on a variety of forms – on the level of education, with regard to institutionalization, yet also concerning media control and censorship. How does applied ethnomusicology implement and rethink social activism within these contexts? While presentations on the topic of censorship and state control are specifically encouraged, this theme invites presentations that document and theorize the solving of concrete social problems through applied ethnomusicology projects in the academy, and beyond in contexts of education, health, industry and culture.

2. Disability and music

This theme welcomes contributions on all types of disability in relation to music. Paper proposals can, for example, discuss music and dance in the context of accessibility and the human rights of disabled people. They can focus on how ethnomusicology can be applied in the making of disability politics. Proposals can take up the variety of musical contexts of ability, illness and health from the perspectives of disability research, special education and music therapy, among others. Proposals can deal with how dis/ability is constructed in music and dance and what are the theories and methods that can be used in the analysis of these constructions.

3. Music and conflict

Continuing earlier work of the Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology, this theme includes the use of music in diverse social configurations of conflict, including interpersonal and intergroup, interethnic, interreligious and interclass. How can music

scholars and practitioners address, through music, the “macro” catalysts of conflict? What can applied ethnomusicology contribute to the understanding and solving of conflicts over economic resources and ownership systems? How can scholars further theorize the specific roles of oppression in music and conflict situations, and the instrumentalization of music as a means of creating conflict?


Nicosia, a cosmopolitan and culturally rich city that is also the last divided capital in Europe (between a Greek south and Turkish-occupied north part), offers a fascinating urban setting for considering the symposium’s several themes of music and inter-human relations.

The symposium will be hosted at the University of Nicosia. Delegates are invited to stay at the Hilton Park Hotel, Nicosia, accommodation in which has been organized by the Local Organizing Committee. Delegates should fly into the international airport of Larnaca (code: LCA).

The members of the Local Organizing Committee from Cyprus are Panikos Giorgoudes, Chair, Despo Stylianou, Savvas Katsikides, Nicos Kartakoullis, Anthoula Hadjiantoni and Kalypso Apergi.


The program committee consists of Klisala Harrison, Chair (Canada/Finland), Samuel Araújo (Brazil), Britta Sweers (Switzerland), Patricia Opondo (South Africa), Panikos Giorgoudes (Cyprus), Aaron Corn (Australia), Hanna Väätäinen (Finland) and Tan Sooi Beng (Malaysia).

We invite proposals for presentations in four basic formats, not excluding others. These are: individual papers, organized sessions, lecture demonstrations, and films.

Please submit an abstract of 250 words maximum to by 1st December 2011, in order to enable peer review by the year’s end.