A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
The SoMoS Executive Committe fully seconds the Statement of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World on the war against the Ukraine, which we reproduce below. Ukranian and Russian versions in the following link: http://www.ictmusic.org/group/ictm-study-group-music-and-dance-slavic-world/post/statement-study-group-executives-war
Dear colleagues,
The Executives of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World strongly condemn the military aggression of the Russian government against the Ukraine as immoral, illegal, unprovoked, and justified by nothing. We cannot be silent when the lives of our Ukrainian colleagues are in danger.
Already now the Russian war has killed countless civilians. Beside the most horrible human tragedies, it may cause unforeseeable damage to the cultural life of the whole Slavic world for generations. This war will morally depress young, talented men and women and poison the intellectual atmosphere not only in the Slavic countries.
We express our solidarity with the Ukrainians who defend their country and also with those courageous Russian colleagues who deserve the highest admiration for opposing the insanity of the war.
Ulrich Morgenstern (Chair)
Jana Ambrózová (Vice Chair)
Łukasz Smoluch (Secretary)
The SoMoS Executive Committee
Kendra Stepputat (Chair)
Lara Pearson (Vice-Chair)
Rafael Caro Repetto (Secretary)