International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Application to 2024 ICTMD Study Group Allowance

A biennial Study Group Allowance, funded through the Maud Karpeles Fund and the Young Scholars Fund, is available to support the travel, accommodation, and/or other expenses of ICTMD members who wish to present their research at Study Group symposia.

This form is used to apply to the 2024 cycle of the ICTMD Study Group Allowance. It should be submitted by a Chair, Co-Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, or other elected official of an ICTMD Study Group. 

Terms and conditions

  1. Regional priority. Only symposia held in underrepresented regions shall be eligible for funding. Underrepresented regions include but are not limited to Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, South America, and South Asia.
  2. Affiliation. Only symposia of fully affiliated Study Groups are eligible for potential support.
  3. Collaboration. Study Group Chairs and Programme Chairs of qualifying symposia must be involved in the process of funding. The Study Group Chair initiates the application, and the symposium’s Programme Chair partners with the Secretariat and the appropriate Executive Board Committee when evaluating individual applications.
  4. Membership. Only ICTMD members in good standing with accepted presentations to a qualifying symposium are eligible for funding. Presenters who are either not members or members with less than 1 year of membership are eligible to apply to have their membership supported by the Secretariat for the year of the symposium.
  5. Previous funding. Applicants funded by the Secretariat in the two years prior to the symposium are not eligible to apply.

Timeline for 2024

  • 1 August 2023–1 June 2024. Study Groups apply to the Allowance, at least three months before the start of their symposia, using this application form.
  • 1 August 2023–1 June 2024. Applications for funding of symposia are evaluated by the Executive Board Committee concerning the Maud Karpeles, Young Scholars, and Other Funds. If an application is approved, the Study Group announces to its members that funding will be available to assist with the travel, accommodation, and other expenses of presenters to the symposium in question, as well as how to apply.
  • Variable deadlines according to symposium’s dates. Presenters with accepted proposals to qualifying symposia apply for funding for a period agreed to in advance with the respective Study Group.
  • Variable deadlines according to symposium’s dates. Once the deadline for abstract submissions is reached, the Executive Board Committee concerning the Maud Karpeles, Young Scholars, and Other Funds evaluates each individual application, in consultation with the symposium's Programme Committee and the Secretariat.
  • Variable deadlines according to symposium’s dates. The Secretariat communicates decisions to applicants.
  • First day of symposium. Successful applicants receive the funds in cash during registration.
Only one application per Study Group is allowed.
The full name of the Chair, Co-Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, or other elected official of a fully-affiliated ICTMD Study Group.
Only symposia held in underrepresented regions shall be eligible for funding. Underrepresented regions include but are not limited to Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, South America, and South Asia.
Describe the symposium and its importance for the Study Group, the underrepresented region where it will be held, and ICTMD.
In order to qualify for funding, the symposium must be held during the 2024 calendar year.
The full name of the symposium's Programme Chair (or Co-Chairs, if applicable).