Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council. Vol. 5 (1973)
General Editor:
Charles Haywood
Table of Contents
- ‘Editor's Introduction: Pablo Casals and Catalan Folk Music’ by C. H.
- ‘Postcript’ by C. H.
- ‘Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference of the I. F. M. C. Held at the Musée Basque, Bayonne, France, July 26 - August 1, 1973’
- ‘Taqsim Nahawand: A Study of Sixteen Performances by Jihad Racy’ by Bruno Nettl and Ronald Riddle
- ‘Traditional Singing Style of the Lapps’ by György Szomjas-Schiffert
- ‘Supplementary Syllables in Anglo-Irish Folk Singing’ by Hugh Shields
- ‘A Comparison of Certain Aspects of Colombian and Spanish Folksong’ by George List
- ‘Échelles Equiheptaphoniques des Flutes de Pan chez les 'Are' Are (Malaita, Iles Salomon)’ by Hugo Zemp and Jean Schwarz
- ‘Polyphony in Touloum Playing by the Pontic Greeks’ by Christian Ahrens
- ‘The Cultural Role of Tsonga Beer-Drink Music’ by Thomas F. Johnston
- ‘Ritual Intonation of Yoruba Praise-Poetry (Oríkì)’ by David Welch
- ‘African Dance: The Continuity of Change’ by Judith Lynne Hanna
- ‘La Danse comme objet sémiotique’ by Anca Giurchescu
In Memoriam
- ‘Donal O'Sullivan (1893-1973)’ by Maud Karpeles and Aloys Fleischmann
- ‘Ladislav Leng (1930-1973)’ by Barbara Krader
Studies and Monographs
- Judeo-Spanish Traditional Ballads from Jerusalem: An Ethnomusicological Study by Israel J. Katz. Review by Alfred Sendrey
- Kirgizskie instrumental'nye p'esy i napevy by A. V. Zataevich; V. S. Vinogradov. Review by Mark Slobin
- Ethiopian Music: An Introduction by Michael Powne. Review by Arthur A. Moorefield
- Chopi Musicians; Their Music, Poetry and Instruments by Hugh Tracey. Review by Darius L. Thieme
- Folk Songs of Japan by Donald P. Berger. Review by Elizabeth May
- Latviesu muzikas folkloras materiali by Emilis Melngailis. Review by Andrejs Jansons
- How Musical Is Man? by John Blacking. Review by Elizabeth May
- An Introduction to English Folk Song by Maud Karpeles. Review by Norman Cazden
- Heaven on Horseback: Revivalist Songs and Verse in the Cowboy Idiom by Austin Fife; Alta Fife. Review by Norman Cazden
Encyclopaedias -- Journals
- Encyclopaedia Judaica by Geoffrey Wigoder. Review by Israel J. Katz
- Ethnomusicology, Vol. XV, Nos. 1, 2 & 3; Vol. XVI, Nos. 1, 2 & 3; Vol. XVII, Nos. 1 & 2 by Israel J. Katz; Norma McLeod. Review by Jeremy Montagu
- Studia instrumentorum musicae populairis, Vol. I (1969) and Vol. II (1972) by Erich Stockmann; Ernst Emsheimer. Review by Jeremy Montagu
Bibliography - Discography
- The International Folk Directory of Ethnic Music and Related Traditions by Beryl Kennedy; Peter Kennedy. Review by Frank J. Gillis
- Neue Musik in Afrika, Asien und Ozenien: Diskographie und historiisch-stilistischer Überblick by Wolfgang Laade. Review by Elise P. Barnett
- Musique Malinké / [Mandinka Music] by Gilbert Rouget. Review by Monique Brandily
- Musique d'Afrique occidentale / [Music from West Africa] by Gilbert Rouget. Review by Monique Brandily
- Musique Toma -- Guinée / [Music of the Toma -- Guinea] by Pierre D. Gaisseau; Jean Fichter; Tony Saulnier. Review by Monique Brandily
- Musique Dayak / [Music of the Dayak]. Bornéo (Kalimantan) by Pierre Ivanoff. Review by Monique Brandily
- Polynesian Traditional Music of Ontong Java (Solomon Islands) / [Musique polynésienne traditionnelle d'Ontong Java (Iles Salomon)] by Hugo Zemp. Review by Jane Mink Rossen
- Musique mélanésienne 'Are 'are. vol. 3 Malaita, Iles Salomon by Hugo Zemp. Review by Jane Mink Rossen
- Ankole, West-Uganda: Volksmuziek: Musique populaire / Volkmusik / Folk music. Review by Monique Brandily
- Bafia -- Muziek, Kameroen by Benoit Quersin. Review by Monique Brandily
- Arménie, chants liturgiques du Moyen-âge by Robert Ataian; Arménie, musique instrumentale by Robert Ataian. Review by Halûk Tarcan
- Turquie: chants sacrés d'Anatolie par Ashik Feyzullah Tchinar. Review by Halûk Tarcan
- Musique populaire traditionnelle d'Iraq by Vaclav Kubica. Review by Halûk Tarcan
- Inde du Nord par Pandit Ram Narayan. Sarangi. Review by Mireille Helffer
- Gambie: Mandinka Kora par Jali Nyama Suso. Review by Monique Brandily
- Musique du Viêt-Nam, tradition du Sud par Nguyên Vinh Bao et Trân van Khê. Review by Trân Quang Hái
- Unesco Collection. Musical Sources. Religious Psalmody IV -- I. Jewish Music by Amnon Shiloah. Review by Avner Bahat
- [Ivory Coast: Baule Vocal Music] / Côte d'Ivoire: Musique vocale Baoulé / Costa d'Avorio: Musica vocale bauli by Hugo Zemp. Review by René Ménard
- Chants Maronites, chants de Noël. Review by René Ménard
- Music from South New Guinea by Wolfgang Laade. Review by Hugo Zemp
- Bali, Musique sacrée; Le Tibet, rituel boudhique; L'Inde, musique réligieuse; Le Bhakti Yoga; Iran, le ney. Review by Mireille Helffer
- Music from Bangladesh by Deben Bhattacharya. Review by Mireille Helffer
- Constantin Brǎiloiou: Melodii populare Românesti, cîntece pe versuri Franceze by Constantin Brǎiloiou. Review by Halûk Tarcan
- Tiêńg Hát sông Hủong / Le chant de la rivière des parfums by Trân Quang Hai; Trủỏng Tǎng. Review by André-Marie Despringre
- The Folk Songs of Britain: Vol. 4. The Child Ballads 1; The Folk Songs of Britain: Vol. 5 The Child Ballads 2. Review by Trân Quang Hải
- Folk Music of Albania by A. L. Lloyd. Review by André-Marie Despringre
- Willie Clancy, the Minstrel from Clare by Bill Leader. Review by Marie-Jeanne Raveneau
- Princess of the Thistle. Lizzie Higgins. Scots Songs and Ballads by Bill Leader. Review by Marie-Jeanne Raveneau
- John Burgess. King of Highland Pipers. Dance Tunes, Marches, Airs and Pibrock Played on the Highland Bagpipe. Review by Marie-Jeanne Raveneau
- Billy Pigg the Border Minstrel by Forster Charlton. Review by Brigitte Werner
- North Carolina Boys by Janet Kerr. Review by Brigitte Werner
- Charlie Wills by Bill Leader. Review by Brigitte Werner
- Unto Brigg Fair by Joseph Taylor; Percy Grainger. Review by Brigitte Werner and Trân Quant Hải
- Folk Ballads from Donegal and Derry. Review by Brigitte Werner
- Seamus Ennis by Bill Leader. Review by Brigitte Werner
- Martin Byrnes by Bill Leader. Review by Brigitte Werner
- Seamus Tansey with Eddie Corcoran. Review by Brigitte Werner
- Jack Elliott of Birtley. The Songs and Stories of a Durham Miner. Review by Brigitte Werner
- Blue Ridge Mountain Field Trip by Janet Kerr. Review by Brigitte Werner and Trân Quang Hải
- Publications Received