Minutes of 1st Secretariat-Study Groups Salon
Held online on 24 August 2023.
Chair: Lee Tong Soon, ICTM Secretary General.
In attendance (Study Group representatives): Applied Ethnomusicology (Huib Schippers, Wei-Ya Lin); Audiovisual Ethnomusicology (Marija Dumnić Vilotijević); Global History of Music (Razia Sultanova, Kanykei Mukhtarova); Ethnochoreology (Siri Maeland); Indigenous Music and Dance (Yuh-Fen Tseng, Mark van Tongeren); Mediterranean Music Studies (Salvatore Morra); Music and Dance of Oceania (Georgia Curran); Music and Minorities (Svanibor Pettan); Music of the Turkic-speaking World (Abdullah Akat); Musical Instruments (Rastko Jakovlević); Performing Arts of Southeast Asia (Made Mantle Hood, Christine May Yong); Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (Kendra Stepputat). Also attending: Carlos Yoder (Executive Secretary); Pettan also attending in his capacity as Chair of the Executive Board Committee for Study Groups.
The meeting followed the attached agenda.
1. Opening of meeting and introduction of the agenda
- Lee opened the meeting at 13:05 (UTC), welcoming all Study Group authorities.
2. Brief self-introductions by each representative
- Attendees introduced themselves and their represented Study Groups, and briefly reported on their recent and upcoming activities. The total number of represented Study Groups was 12.
3. Study Group shared calendar
- Yoder introduced the topic, explaining how the shared calendar for ICTM Study Groups (powered by Google) operated. He explained that the calendar's main purpose has been to help Study Group authorities in planning their activities and avoid scheduling conflicts as much as possible, reiterating that Study Group authorities should communicate their intended dates to the Secretariat as soon as possible, and/or to communicate them via the Study Groups mailing list.
- Schippers mentioned the unfortunate overlapping scheduling of the 9th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe and the Joint Symposium of the ICTM Study Groups on Applied Ethnomusicology and on Sacred and Spiritual Sounds and Practices (both in late October 2024), while admitting that the groups attending both symposia would likely be different. Yoder apologised for the mistake, which arose from not adding the former symposium to the shared calendar timely.
- Lee enquired whether Study Group authorities should be allowed to enter their own dates in the calendar, and after a brief discussion it was agreed to continue using the calendar as before, namely, without giving editing rights to Study Group authorities.
4. Collaboration with sister societies
- Lee introduced the topic, encouraging collaboration with sister societies that share similar and/or compatible fields of study. He showed slides listing the Study Groups of the International Musicological Society (IMS) and the Special Interest Groups of the Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM), as a way to initiate discussions.
- Morra related how in 2016 the ICTM Study Group on Mediterranean Music Studies successfully held a joint symposium with the International Musicological Society in Naples, Italy, on the theme “Musicians in the Mediterranean: Narratives of Movement.” The programme committee was co-chaired by Ruth Davis (then Study Group chair) and Dinko Fabris (then IMS president). The report on that symposium can be read in the Bulletin of the ICTM 132 (Oct 2016), available online here.
- Pettan announced the upcoming joint 54th Conference of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) and 4th ICTM Forum, which would be held in Istanbul, Türkiye, on 11–15 September 2023, titled "Collaborating to Preserve and Safeguard Audiovisual and Related Heritage." He invited all to attend in person or online.
5. Assembly of Study Groups Chairs: frequency and number of representatives
- Lee introduced the topics, summarising their previous discussion during the most recent Assembly of Study Group Chairs (ASGC), which was held in hybrid form during the 47th ICTM World Conference, on 14 July 2023.
- Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that ASGCs should be held annually, and not biennially during World Conferences as stated in Statute 6(g).
- Yoder detailed how the rule that allows only one representative per Study Group at ASGCs came to be, namely, as a mirror of the rules limiting participation in the Assemblies of National and Regional Representatives.
- Following a discussion that evaluated the particularities of the dynamics of governance for each Study Group, a consensus was reached that the maximum number of representatives per Study Group attending future ASGCs should be increased to two, as opposed to only one as stated in Statute 6(f). However, in the event of voting taking place, only one vote should be counted per Study Group. Discussions on these potential changes will continue to take place in forthcoming salons.
- Lee pointed out that the aforementioned two changes could not come into force immediately, as they would necessitate an amendment to the Statutes. Since the earliest opportunity for amending the Statutes would be the next General Assembly in January 2025, it will regrettably not be possible to hold an ASGC in 2024, and the number of representatives attending the 2025 ASGC would remain at one.
- Lee assured that the Secretariat-Study Groups salons would continue to be held as needed (tentatively one a month), and that their attendance will remain open to all Study Group authorities.
6. Any other business
- Lee asked the attendees to consider how the almost certain change of the name of the Council to "the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance" would impact the names of each Study Group.
- Sultanova expressed her excitement about the reopening of the Study Group Allowance for 2024, and enquired whether symposia held in 2025 would qualify for the Allowance. Yoder replied that unfortunately that would not be possible, for many operational and financial reasons.
- Pettan asked for opinions about the concept of holding "welcome meetings" (as opposed to "business meetings") during the most recent World Conference, and a consensus was reached that the new denomination had been a positive development which had attracted newcomers.
- Pettan enquired whether Study Groups would be willing to have their websites conform to a template organising contents (contact information, publications, meetings, etc) while aiming to preserve the individuality of each Study Group. A consensus was reached that it would be a welcome development.
7. Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 14:12 (UTC)