A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
The following listing attempts to include all printed publications issued by IFMC/ICTM/ICTMD, its Study Groups, and its National Committees, as well as any publications resulting from Council activities. Items under each section are listed in reverse chronological order. Programmes and books of abstracts from conferences, symposia, etc., are not included. We realize that there are many inadequacies in this listing and probably many omissions, too. Help us improve it by sending corrections, additions, and images to the Secretariat.
Jump to section: by IFMC/ICTM/ICTMD, by IFMC/ICTM/ICTMD Study Groups, by IFMC/ICTM/ICTMD National Committees.
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2008. Vienna and the Balkans: Papers from the 39th World Conference of the ICTM, Vienna 2007. Sofia: Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. |
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Christensen, Nerthus, and Dieter Christensen, ed. 1985. ICTM Directory of Interests and Projects. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. |
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1984. Membership Directory 1984. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. |
1982. Membership Directory 1982. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
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1974. International Folk Music Council; Members. April 1974. [Kingston, Canada]: International Folk Music Council. |
Kennedy, Peter, and Beryl Kennedy, ed. 1973. The International Folk Directory of Ethnic Music and Related Traditions. Devon: Dartington Institute of Traditional Arts. | |
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Kennedy, Peter. 1970. Films on Traditional Music and Dance: A First International Catalogue. Paris: UNESCO. |
Elschek, Oskár, Erich Stockmann, and Ivan Mačák. 1968–75. Annual Bibliography of European Ethnomusicology / Musikethnologische Jahresbibliographie Europas. Published by the Slovak National Museum in co-operation with the Institute of Art of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, under the auspices of the IFMC/ICTM. | |
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Vetterl, Karl. 1966. A Select Bibliography of European Folk Music. Prague: International Folk Music Council and Institute for Ethnography and Folklore of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. |
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Lloyd, A. L., and Isabel Aretz de Ramón y Rivera, ed. 1965. Folk Songs of the Americas. London: Novello and Company. |
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1964. Directory of Institutions and Organisations Concerned Wholly or In Part with Folk Music. London: International Folk Music Council. |
1963. International Directory of Folk Music Record Archives. London: International Folk Music Council. | |
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Wachsmann, Klaus P., ed. 1960. International Catalogue of Published Records of Folk Music. London: International Folk Music Council with the assistance of the International Music Council (Unesco). (Supplement to Fraser 1954). |
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1958. Members. London: International Folk Music Council. |
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Karpeles, Maud. 1958. The Collecting of Folk Music and Other Ethnomusicological Material: A Manual for Field Workers. London: International Folk Music Council and the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. (Rev. and enlarged ed. of Karpeles and Bake 1951). |
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1957. Statement on Copyright in Folk Music Adopted by the General Assembly of the International Folk Music Council, August 26, 1957. London: International Folk Music Council. |
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Karpeles, Maud, ed. 1956. Folk Songs of Europe. London: Novello. |
1955. Memorandum on Cataloguing and Classification of Sound Recordings of Folk Music. London: International Folk Music Council. | |
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Kunst, Jaap. 1955. Ethno-musicology: A Study of Its Nature, Its Problems, Methods, and Representative Personalities to Which Is Added a Bibliography. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. (2nd ed. of: Musicologica (1950); 3rd ed. in 1959 as Ethnomusicology). |
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Fraser, Norman, ed. 1954. International Catalogue of Recorded Folk Music / Catalogue international de la musique folklorique enregistrée. London: International Folk Music Council. (Supplement by Wachsmann 1960). |
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Karpeles, Maud, and Arnold Bake. 1951. Manual for Folk Music Collectors. London. Rev. ed. 1958. |
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Vol. 13 (1981) – present. (see this page for more information) |
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Vol. 1 (1969) – 12 (1980). (see this page for more information) |
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Vol. 1 (1949) – 20 (1968). (see this page for more information); note that part 2 of the Journal of the International Folk Music Council 17 (1965) was published as Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Budapest) 7/1–4 (1965). |
Nos. 153 (Oct 2023) – present. (see this page for more information) (online only since no. 119 (Oct 2011)) |
Nos. 59 (Oct 1981) – 152 (Apr 2023). (see this page for more information) (online only since no. 119 (Oct 2011)) |
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Nos. 1 (Oct 1948) – 58 (Apr 1981). (see this page for more information) |
Salloum, Kelly, ed. 2005. Directory of Traditional Music 2005. 10th rev. ed. Los Angeles: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Salloum, Kelly, ed. 2003. Directory of Traditional Music 2003. 9th rev. ed. Los Angeles: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Salloum, Kelly, ed. 2001. Directory of Traditional Music 2001. 8th rev. ed. Los Angeles: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Christensen, Nerthus, and Dieter Christensen, ed. 1999. Directory of Traditional Music 1999. 7th rev. ed. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Christensen, Nerthus, and Dieter Christensen, ed. 1997. Directory of Traditional Music 1997. 6th rev. ed. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Christensen, Dieter, and Nerthus Christensen, ed. 1995. Directory of Traditional Music 1995. 5th rev. ed. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Christensen, Dieter, and Nerthus Christensen, ed. 1993. Directory of Traditional Music 1993. 4th rev. ed. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Christensen, Dieter, and Nerthus Christensen, ed. 1991. Directory of Traditional Music 1991. 3rd rev. ed. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Christensen, Dieter, and Nerthus Christensen, ed. 1989. Directory of Traditional Music 1989. 2nd rev. ed. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. | |
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Christensen, Dieter, ed. 1987. Directory of Traditional Music 1987. New York: International Council for Traditional Music. |
(also see https://www.ictmd.org/past-colloquia)
Davis, Ruth F., ed. 2015. Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and Its Jewish Diasporas. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. (from 20th colloquium) |
Corn, Aaron, Ruth Lee Martin, Diane Roy, and Stephen Wild, ed. 2013. One Common Thread: The Musical World of Lament. Canberra: ANU E-Press, Australian National University. (from 21st colloquium) |
O’Connell, John, and Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, ed. 2010. Music and Conflict. Urbana: Illinois University Press. (from 18th colloquium) |
Wolf, Richard, ed. 2009. Theorizing the Local: Music, Practice and Experience in South Asia and Beyond. London and New York: Oxford University Press. (from 17th colloquium) |
Asensio Llamas, Susana, and Josep Marti, ed. 2004. TRANS 8: Música en España y música española: Identidades y procesos transculturales. (from 16th colloquium) |
Fujie, Linda, ed. 1996. “Folk Music Revival in Europe.” Special issue, World of Music 38/3. (from 14th colloquium) |
Mahling, Christoph-Hellmut, Stephan Münch, and Erich Stockmann, ed. 1996. Ethnomusicology and Historical Musicology: Common Goals, Shared Methodologies. Berlin: Hans Schneider. (from 12th colloquium) |
Castelo-Branco, Salwa El-Shawan, ed. 1996. Portugal and the World: The Encounter of Cultures in Music. Lisbon: Dom Quixote. (from 6th colloquium) |
Moyle, Alice Marshall, ed. 1992. Music and Dance of Aboriginal Australia and the South Pacific: The Effects of Documentation on the Living Tradition. Oceania Monographs, 41. Sydney: University of Sydney. (from 8th colloquium) |
Kaeppler, Adrienne, ed. 1988. Come Mek Me Hol’ Yu Han’: The Impact of Tourism on Traditional Music. Jamaica: Jamaica Memory Bank. (from 5th colloquium) |
Tokumaru Yoshihiko and Yamaguti Osamu, ed. 1986. The Oral and the Literate in Music. Tokyo: Academia Music LTD. (from 4th colloquium) |
Harrison, Klisala, ed. 2017. 应用民族音乐学译文集 [Translated proceedings on applied ethnomusicology]. Beijing: Central Conservatory of Music Press. (Translation of Harrison 2016) |
Harrison, Klisala, ed. 2016. “Applied Ethnomusicology in Institutional Policy and Practice.” Special issue, Collegium: Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences 21. https://www.helsinki.fi/collegium/journal/volumes/volume_21/index_21.htm. |
Harrison, Klisala, Elizabeth Mackinlay, and Svanibor Pettan, ed. 2010. Applied Ethnomusicology: Historical and Contemporary Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. |
Schraffth, Helmut, ed. 19??. INFO Newsletter (electronic and xerox). |
Stepputat, Kendra, and Mohd Anis Md Nor, ed. 2016. Sounding the Dance, Moving the Music: Choreomusicological Perspectives on Maritime Southeast Asian Performing Arts. SOAS Musicology Series. Oxford: Routledge. | |
Rakočević, Selena, and Liz Mellish, ed. 2015. Dance, Field Research, and Intercultural Perspectives: Easter Customs in the Village of Sviniţa. Pančevo: Kulturni centar Pančeva. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, ed. 2015. Dance, Narrative, Heritage; 28th Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Ethnochoreology 2014. Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research and ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, and Catherine Foley, ed. 2014. Dance, Place, Festival; 27th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology 2012. Limerick: ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology; Irish World Academy of Music and Dance University of Limerick. | |
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete, and Marit Stranden, ed. 2014. (Re)Searching the Field: Festschrift in Honor of Egil Bakka. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. | |
Dankworth, Linda E., and Ann R. David, ed. 2014. Dance Ethnography and Global Perspectives. Identity, Embodiment and Culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, Daniela Stavelová, and Dorota Gremlicová, ed. 2012. Dance, Gender, and Meanings: Contemporizing Traditional Dance; Proceedings of the 26th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology 2010, Třest’, Czech Republic. Prague: Academy of Performing Arts in Prague; Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences; International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, Anca Giurchescu, and Csilla Könczei, ed. 2012. From Field to Text and Dance and Space. Proceedings for the 24th symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology: Cluj-Napoca, 10 – 16 July 2006. Cluj-Napoca: The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities; International Council for Traditional Music: Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, ed. 2011. ICTM International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology Proceedings 1988 – 2008. DVD. “Heritage Culture” Educational Electronic Library; ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. (Ten symposia for 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008.) | |
Sparti, Barbara, and Judy Van Zile, ed. 2011. Imaging Dance: Visual Representations of Dancers and Dancing. Hildesheim, Germany: Georg Olms Verlag AG. | |
Mohd Anis Md Nor, Elsie Ivancich Dunin, and Anne von Bibra Wharton, ed. 2009. Transmitting Dance as Cultural Heritage and Dance and Religion. Proceedings of the 25th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology 11–18 August 2008. Kuala Lumpur: Cultural Centre University of Malaya; Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture of Malaysia; ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, and Anne von Bibra Wharton, ed. 2008. Proceedings 23rd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology 2004 Monghidoro (Bologna), Italy. Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research; Association “e bene venga Maggio”; International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, and Adrienne L. Kaeppler, ed. 2007. Dance Structures: Perspectives on the Analysis of Human Movement. Studies in Ethnology, 3. Budapest: Académia Kiadó; Hungarian National Cultural Fund; Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Szeged. | |
Gábor, Barna, Csonka-Takács Eszter, and Varga Sándor, ed. 2007. Tánchagyomány: Átadas és átvetel / Dance: Tradition and Transmission; Tanulmányok Felföldi László köszöntésére / Festschrift for László Felföldi. Szeged: Néprajzi és Kulturális.; Antropologiai Tanszék. | |
Buckland, Theresa Jill, ed. 2006. Dancing from Past to Present. Nation, Culture, Identities. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, Anne von Bibra Wharton, and László Felföldi, ed. 2005. Dance and Society. 22nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, Szeged, Hungary, 2002. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, European Folklore Institute. | |
Zebec, Tvrtko, ed. 2003. Dance Research: Published or Publicly Presented by Members of the Study Group on Ethnochoreology. Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research; International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Felföldi, László, and Theresa J. Buckland, ed. 2002. Authenticity: Whose Tradition? Budapest: European Folklore Institute. | |
Kaeppler, Adrienne L., ed. 2001. Special section on dance. Yearbook for Traditional Music 33. (Presentations from Study Group symposia, 1992–98). | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, ed. 2001. Symposium Moreška: Past and Present; Korčula 2001: Proceedings. Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, and Tvrtko Zebec, ed. 2001. Proceedings. 21st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, 2000, Korčula. Zagreb: International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology; Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. | |
Hall, Frank, and Irene Loutzaki, ed. 2000. 20th Symposium Proceedings. August 19–26, 1998, Istanbul, Turkey, Traditional Dance and Its Historical Sources; Creative Processes in Dance: Improvisation and Composition. Special edition, Dans Muzik Kultur Folklora Dogru (Summer). Istanbul: Boğaziçi Universitesi Kuzey Kampüs. | |
Buckland, Theresa J., ed. 1999. Dance in the Field: Theory, Methods and Issues in Dance Ethnography. London: Macmillan Press Ltd. | |
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Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, and Tvrtko Zebec, ed. 1999. Dance Research: Published or Publicly Presented by Members of the Study Group on Ethnochoreology. Zagreb: International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology and Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. |
Buckland, Theresa, and Georgiana Gore, ed. 1998. Dance, Style, Youth, Identities. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology, 5–11 August, 1996, Třest', Czech Republic. Strážnice: Institute of Folk Culture, Strážnice, Czech Republic; International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Dąbrowska, Grażyna, and Ludwik Bielawski, ed. 1995. Dance, Ritual and Music. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium of the Study Group on Ethnochoreology, the International Council for Traditional Music August 9–18, 1994 in Skiemiewice, Poland. Warsawa: Instytut Sztuki PAN. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, ed. 1995. Dance Research: Published or Publicly Presented by Members of the Study Group on Ethnochoreology. Los Angeles: International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Loutzaki, Irene , ed. 1994. Dance and Its Socio-Political Aspects. Dance and Costume. 17th Symposium of the Study Group on Ethnochoreology, Nafplion, Greece, 2–10 July 1992, Proceedings. Nafplion, Greece. Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation; International Council for Traditional Music. | |
Falvy, Zoltan, ed. 1991. Studia Muscologica. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. [Proceedings of 16th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology] | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, ed. 1991. Dance Research: Published or Publicly Presented by Members of the Study Group on Ethnochoreology. Los Angeles: International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Giurchescu, Anca, Adrienne L. Kaeppler, and Lisbet Torp, ed. 1991. Special section on dance. Yearbook for Traditional Music 23. | |
Torp, Lisbet, ed. 1989. The Dance Event: A Complex Cultural Phenomenon. International Council for Traditional Music, 15th Symposium of the Study Group on Ethnochoreology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1988. Copenhagen: ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, ed. 1989. Dance Research: Published or Publicly Presented by Members of the Study Group on Ethnochoreology. Los Angeles: International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Dąbrowska, Grażyna, and Kurt Petermann, ed. 1989. Analyse und Klassifikation van Volkstänzen. Krakow. | |
Reynolds, William C., ed. 1987–2004. ICTM Dance Newsletter for Research in Traditional Dance. Issues 1–24. Egtved, Denmark: International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Ethnochoreology. | |
Dąbrowska, Grazyna, and Kurt Petermann, ed. 1983. Analyse und Klassifikation von Volkstänzen. Kraków: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne. | |
IFMC Study Group for Folk Dance Terminology. 1974. “Foundations for the Analysis of the Structure and Form of Folk Dance: A Syllabus.” Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 6: 115–35. William C. Reynolds, trans. Report of the IFMC Study Group for Folk Dance Terminology, 1972. |
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Blažeković, Zdravko, ed. 2015. “Neoclassical Reverberations of Discovering Antiquity: Selected Papers Presented at the Twelfth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on the Iconography of the Performing Arts, Istituto per i Beni Musicali in Piemonte, Turin, 6–9 October 2014.” Special issue, Music in Art 40/1–2 (Spring–Fall). |
Blažeković, Zdravko, ed. 2013. “Images of Music-making and Cultural Exchange between the East and the West: Selected Papers Presented at the Eleventh Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on the Iconography of the Performing Arts, China Conservatory of Music, Beijing, 26–31 October 2012.” Special issue, Music in Art 38/1–2 (Spring–Fall). |
Tseng, Yuh-Fen and Aaron Corn, eds, 2022. Ontologies and Epistemologies of Indigenous Music and Dance: Proceedings of the Inaugural Symposium of the ICTM Study-Group-in-the-Making on Music and Dance in Indigenous and Postcolonial Contexts. Chiayi: National Chiayi University. |
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Elsner, Jürgen, Gisa Jähnichen, and Cenk Güray, ed. 2016. Maqām Traditions between Theory and Contemporary Music Making. Istanbul: PAN Publishing in co-operation with Yildirim Bezayit Universitesi Ankara. |
Elsner, Jürgen, Gisa Jähnichen, and Jasmina Talam, ed. 2014. Maqām: Historical Traces and Present Practice in South European Music Traditions; Proceedings of the 8th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group “Maqām,” Sarayevo, 8–11 November 2012. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | |
Ali-Sade, Frangis, and Suraya Agaeva, ed. 2011. The Mugam of Azerbaijan and Related Traditions in Middle East, Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group “Maqām” within the Framework of the International Festival “Space of Mugam,” Baku 15–17 March 2011. Baku: Şərq-Qərb. | |
Elsner, Jürgen, and Gisa Jähnichen, ed. 2008. Intercultural Comparison of Maqām and Related Phenomena; Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the ICTM Study Group “Maqām” Samarkand, 26-30 August 2001. Berlin: Trafo-Verlag. | |
Elsner, Jürgen, and Gisa Jähnichen, ed. 2007. Muqam in and outside of Xinjiang, China; Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICTM Study Group “Maqām”, Urumqi 2006. Urumchi: Xinjiang Art Photography Publishing House. (In Chinese; English version 2009) | |
Elsner, Jürgen, Gisa Jähnichen, Th. Ogger, and I. Kharissov, ed. 2006. Maqām Traditions of Turkic Peoples; Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the ICTM Study Group “Maqām” Istanbul, 18–24 October 1998. Berlin: Trafo-Verlag. | |
Elsner, Jürgen, and Risto Pekka Pennanen, ed. 1997. The Structure and Idea of Maqām, Historical Approaches; Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the ICTM Maqām Study Group Tampere – Virrat, 2–5 October 1995. Department of Folk Tradition Publication, 24. Tampere: University of Tampere. | |
Elsner, Jürgen, and Gisa Jähnichen, ed. 1992. Regionale maqām: Traditionen in Geschichte und Gegenwart; Materialien der 2. Arbeitstagung der Study Group "Maqām" des International Council for Traditional Music vom 23. bis 28. März 1992 in Gosen bei Berlin. 2 vols. Berlin: Humboldt University. | |
Elsner, Jürgen, ed. 1989. Maqām – Rāga – Zeilenmelodik, Konzeptionen und Prinzipien der Musikproduktion; Materialien der 1. Arbeitstagung der Study Group “Maqam” beim International Council for Traditional Music vom 28. Juni bis 2. Juli 1988 in Berlin. Berlin: ICTM National Committee of the German Democratic Republic and Office for International Music NGOs in the German Democratic Republic. |
Davis, Ruth F. 2015. Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and Its Jewish Diasporas. Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. (Colloquium held in close cooperation with Study Group members in 2008) |
Ciantar, Philip, and Franco Fabbri, ed. 2012. “Musical Translations across the Mediterranean.” Special issue, Journal of Mediterranean Studies 21(2). (Papers presented at the 8th symposium in 2010) |
Keller, Marcello Sorce, ed. 2010–14. Mediterranean Music Studies. Online journal. |
Bohlman, Philip V., Marcello Sorce Keller, and Loris Azzaroni, ed. 2009. Antropologia della musica nelle culture mediterranee: Interpretazione, performance, identità / Musical Anthropology in Mediterranean Cultures: Interpretation, Performance, Identity. Bologna: Clueb. (Papers presented at 7th symposium in 2007) |
Magrini, Tullia, ed. 2003. Music and Gender: Perspectives from the Mediterranean. Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Papers presented at the 3rd symposium in 1998) |
Cattin, Guilio, ed. 1997. Quaderni di “Musica e storia” 2. Da Bisanzio a San Marco. Musica e Liturgia. Venezia and Bologna: Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi – il Mulino. (Papers relating to the second meeting of the Study Group in 1995) |
Magrini, Tullia, ed. 1996–2006. Music and Anthropology: Journal of Musical Anthropology of the Mediterranean. Online journal. https://www.fondazionelevi.it/ma/index.htm. |
Magrini, Tullia, ed. 1993. Quaderni di “Musica e storia” 1. Antropologia della musica e culture mediterranee. Venezia and Bologna: Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi – il Mulino. (Papers presented at the first meeting of the Study Group in 1992) |
Pärtlas, Žanna, ed. 2016. “Multipart Music: Theoretical Approaches on the Terminology.” Special issue, Res Musica 8. (from 1st seminar in Tallinn, Estonia, 2014). https://www.muusikateadus.ee/en/news/res-musica-8-2016-2/. | |
Richter, Pál, and Lujza Tari, ed. 2015. Multipart Music: Individuals and Educated Musicians in Traditional Multipart Music Practices, Budapest 2013. Budapest: Institute of Musicology RCH HAS. | |
Ahmedaja, Ardian, ed. 2013. Local and Global Understandings of Creativities: Multipart Music Making and the Construction of Ideas, Contexts and Contents. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | |
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Macchiarella, Ignazio, ed. 2012. Multipart Music: A Specific Mode of Musical Thinking, Expressive Behaviour and Sound. Udine: Nota. https://www.nota.it/ultime_uscite/multipart_music. https://www.multipartmusic.eu/attachments/article/12/Macchiarella%20(ed)%20multipart%20music.pdf |
Melish, Liz, Nick Green, and Mirjana Zakic, ed. 2016. Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: New Scopes of Research and Action. Fourth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group for Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, 24 September – 1 October, 2014. Belgrade: Faculty of Music Art. |
Dunin, Elsie Ivanchic, Liz Mellish, and Ivona Opetcheska Tatarchevska, ed. 2014. Third Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe. Skopje: ICTM National Committee for Macedonia. |
Dunin, Elsie Ivancich, and Mehmet Ocal Ozbligin, ed. 2011. Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, Izmir, Turkey, 7–11 April, 2010. Izmir: Ege University State Turkish Music Conservatory. |
Serafimovska, Velika Stojkova, ed. 2009. First Symposium of the ICTM Study Group for Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, 4–8 September, 2008, Struga Republic of Macedonia. Skopje: SOCOM. |
Moyle, Richard M., ed. 2007. Oceanic Music Encounters—the Print Resource and the Human Resource: Essays in Honour of Mervyn McLean. Research in Anthropology and Linguistics Monograph, 7. Auckland: University of Auckland. | |
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Lawrence, Helen Reeves, ed. 2001. Traditionalism and Modernity in the Music and Dance of Oceania: Essays in Honour of Barbara B. Smith. Don Niles, technical ed. Oceania Monographs. Sydney: University of Sydney. |
Smith, Barbara B., ed. 1992. “The Chinese and Their Musics in the Pacific: Five Exploratory Reports from a Panel.” Special section, Association for Chinese Music Research Newsletter 5/2 (Summer): 17–38. (based on Study Group panel at the 1991 ICTM World Conference) | |
Circular (later, Newsletter), 1984+. Edited by successive chairs: Barbara Smith, Stephen Wild, Raymond Ammann, Denis Crowdy, Kirsty Gillespie, and Brian Diettrich. |
Diamond, Beverley, and Pirkko Moisala, ed. 2000. Music and Gender. Champaign-Urbana: University of Illinois Press. | |
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Herndon, Marcia, and Suzanne Ziegler, ed. 1990. Music, Gender, and Culture. Intercultural Music Studies, 1. Wilhelmshaven: Florian Noetzel Verlag. |
Hemetek, Ursula, Essica Marks, and Adelaida Reyes, ed. 2014. Music and Minorities from Around the World: Research, Documentation and Interdisciplinary Study. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. |
Hemetek, Ursula, ed. 2012. Music and Minorities in Ethnomusicology: Challenges and Discourses from Three Continents (Klanglese 7). Vienna: Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie. |
Jurková, Zuzana, and Lee Bidgood, ed. 2009. Voices of the Weak: Music and Minorities. Prague: Slovo21 and Faculty of Humanities of Charles University Prague. With CD. |
Statelova, Rosemary, Angela Rodel, Lozanka Peycheva, Ivanka Vlaeva, and Ventsislav Dimov, ed. 2008. The Human World and Musical Diversity: Proceedings from the Fourth Meeting of the ICTM Study Group “Music and Minorities” in Varna, Bulgaria 2006. Sofia: Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. |
Ceribašić, Naila, and Erica Haskell, ed. 2006. Shared Musics and Minority Identities: Papers from the Third Meeting of the “Music and Minorities” Study Group of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM). Zagreb and Roč: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research and Cultural-Artistic Society “Istarski željezničar.” |
Hemetek, Ursula, Gerda Lechleitner, Inna Naroditskaya, and Anna Czekanowska, ed. 2004. Manifold Identities: Studies of Music and Minorities. London: Cambridge Scholars Press. With CD. |
Pettan, Svanibor, Adelaida Reyes, and Maša Komavec, ed. 2001. Glasba In Manjšine / Music and Minorities. Ljubljana: ZRC Publishing and Institute of Ethnomusicology SRC SASA. |
Both, Arnd Adje, Mattias Stöckli, and Jon Hughes, ed. forthcoming. Crossing Borders: Musical Change and Exchange through Time . Publications of the ICTM Study Group for Music Archaeology, 2. Berlin. Ekho Verlag. |
Jiménez Pasalodos, Raquel, Rupert Till, and Mark Howell, ed. 2013. Music and Ritual: Bridging Material and Living Cultures. Publications of the ICTM Study Group for Music Archaeology, 1. Berlin. Ekho Verlag. |
Blažeković, Zdravko, ed. 2011. Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography 36: 203–56. |
Both, Arndt Adje, ed. 2009. Special section on music archaeology. Yearbook for Traditional Music 41. |
Baumann, Max-Peter, Jonathan P. Stock, Arndt Adje Both, and Julia L. J. Sanchez, ed. 2007. Special issue, “Music Archaeology: Mesoamerica.” The World of Music 49 (2). Papers from the 1st [sic, for 9th] meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology, Los Angeles 2003. |
Hickmann, Ellen, and Ricardo Eichmann, ed. 2000. Stringed Instruments in Archaeological Context. Papers from the 8th International Meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology, Limassol, 26–30 August 1996, and papers from the 7th International Meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology, Jerusalem, 29 December 1994 – 3 January 1995. Studien zur Musikarchäologie, 1; Orient-Archäologie, 6. Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf. |
Otte, Marcel, ed. 1994. Sons Originels: Préhistoire de la musique. Actes du colloque de musicologie, 11–13 Décembre 1992. 5th International Meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology. Etudes et recherches archéologiques de l’Université de Liège, 61. Liège: Université de Liège. |
Homo-Lechner, Catherine, and Annie Bélis, ed. 1994. La pluridisciplinarité en l’archéologie musicale. 2 vols. 4th International Meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology, Saint Germain-en-Laye, 1990. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme. |
Hickmann, Ellen, and David Hughes, ed. 1988. The Archaeology of Early Music Cultures: Flutes and Whistles, Shawms and Other Pipes of the World’s Music Cultures . Papers from the 3rd International Meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology, Wolfenbüttel 1986. Bonn: Verlag für systematische Musikwissenschaft. |
Homo-Lechner, Catherine, ed. 1987–90. Archaeologia Musicalis. 6 vols. Celle: Moeck Verlag. |
Lund, Cajsa S., ed. 1986–87. Second Conference of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology, 19–23 November 1984. Vol. 1: “General Studies” (1986); vol. 2: “The Bronze Lurs” (1987). Royal Swedish Academy of Music Publication, 53. Stockholm: Kungl. Musikalinska Akademien. |
Hickmann, Ellen, ed. 1985. Special section, “Music and Dance in Prehistoric Cultures: Reconstructing and Expanding the Boundaries of Tradition.” Acta Musicologica 57: 1–50. Basel: Bärenreiter. (roundtable from the 27th International Congress of ICTM, New York 1983) |
Homo, Catherine, ed. 1984–86. MAB – Music Archaeological Bulletin / Bulletin d’Archéologie Musicale. 6 vols. |
Sultanova, Razia, and Megan Rancier, ed. 2017. Turkic Soundscapes: From Shamanic Voices to Hip-hop. London: Taylor and Francis. |
From Voice to Instrument: Sound Phenomenon in Traditional Cultural Heritage of the Turkic-speaking World. The Fifth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music of the Turkic-speaking world, Conference Proceedings, 21–23 April 2016. Almaty: Kazakh Kurmangazy National Conservatory. «От голоса к инструменту: феномен звука в традиционном культурном наследии тюркоязычного мира». Материалы пятого симпозиума исследовательской группы (ICTM) «Музыка тюркоязычного мира», 21-23 апреля, 2016. Алматы: КНК им.Курмангазы. |
Sultanova, Razia, ed. 2009. Sacred Knowledge: Schools or Revelation? Master–Apprentice System of Oral Transmission in the Music of the Turkic Speaking World. ??: LAP. |
Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis, new series, vol. 1+ (2009+) | |||||||||||||||
Žarskienė, Rūta, ed. 2006. Tautosakos Darbai 32. Vilnius: The Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore. (from 16th meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania (2006)) | |||||||||||||||
Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis, vol. 1–15 (1969–2005) | |||||||||||||||
Matusky, Patricia, and Wayland Quintero, ed. 2017. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium: The ICTM Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia. Penang: School of the Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia. | |
Mohd Anis Md Nor, ed. 2015. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia. Denpasar: Institut Seni Indonesia. | |
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Mohd Anis Md Nor, ed. 2013. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia. Manila: Philippine Women’s University. |
Mohd Anis Md Nor, Patricia Matusky, Tan Sooi Beng, Jacqueline Pugh-Kitingan, and Felicidad Prudente, eds. 2011. Proceedings of the 1st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia 2010. Kuala Lumpur: Nusantara Performing Arts Research Centre, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, University of Malaya. |
1991?. Tonhöhenordnung, Tonalität und Dialekte in traditionellen Musikkulturen: from 8th meeting in Weimar (1981) |
1990. Probleme der Volksmusikforschung. Freiburg: DeutschesVolksliedarchiv. from 10th meeting in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (1987) |
1990. Oskár Elschek, ed. Rhythmik und Metrum in traditionellen Kulturen. Musicologica Slovaca, 16. Bratislava: VEDA Verlag der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. from 9th meeting in Pürgg, Austria (1983) |
1978. “Studiengruppe für Analyse und Systematisierung der Volksmusik (IFMC). Debrecen—1978.” Studia musicologia (Budapest) 20: 213–379: from 7th meeting in Debrecen, Hungary (1978) |
1975. Methoden der ethnomusikologischen Analyse: from 6th meeting in Krpáčová (1974) |
1974. Bericht über die 5. Sitzung der Studiengruppe für die Systematisierung von Volksliedweisen in Bled/Jugoslavien (Slowenien) 13. bis 18. April 1971: from 5th meeting in Bled, Yugoslavia (1971) |
1973. Analyse und Klassifikation von Volksmelodien: from 3rd meeting in Radziejowice, Poland (1967) and 4th meeting in Stockholm (1969) |
1969. Methoden der Klassifikation von Volksliedweisen: from 1st meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia (1965) |
Ziegler, Susanne, Ingrid Åkesson, Gerda Lechleitner, and Susana Sardo, ed. 2017. Historical Sources of Ethnomusicology in Contemporary Debate. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishers. |
Ziegler, Susanne, ed. 2010. Historical Sources and Source Criticism; ICTM Study Group on Historical Sources: Proceedings from the 17th International Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, May 21–25, 2008. Skrifter utgivna av Svenkst visarkiv, 29. Stockholm: Svenskt visarkiv. |
2004. Historische Forschungen zu traditioneller Musik: from 12th meeting in Dion, Greece (1997), and 13th meeting in Innsbruck, Austria (2000) |
Stockmann, Doris, and Henrik Koudal, ed. 1997. Historical Studies on Folk and Traditional Music. Acta Ethnomusicologica Danica, 8. Copenhagen: Danish Folklore Archives and Museum Tusculanum Pr.: from 11th meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark (1995) |
1994. Historische Volksmusikforschung: from 10th meeting in Göttingen, Germany (1991) |
1985–86. Historische Volksmusikforschung: Tagungsbericht Limassol 1982 and Musikethnologische Sammelbände 8: from 7th meeting in Limassol, Cyprus (1982) |
1981. Historische Volksmusikforschung: Kongress-Bericht Medulin 1979: from 6th meeting in Medulin, Yugoslavia (1979) |
1979. Historische Volksmusikforschung: from 4th meeting in Kasimierz Dolny, Poland (1975) |
1978. Historische Volksmusikforschung: Kongress-Bericht Seggau 1977: from 5th meeting in Seggau, Austria (1977) |
1973. Studia Musicologica 15: 3–320: from 3rd meeting in Sárospatak, Hungary (1972) |
1971. Studia Musicologica 13: 177–295: from 2nd meeting in Brno, Czechoslovakia (1970) |
Michel, Andreas, and Jürgen Elsner, ed. 1990. Beiträge zur Traditionellen Musik. Bericht über die Tagung des Nationalkomitees der DDR im International Council for Traditional Music in Neustrelitz, 27.–29. September 1989. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität Berlin. |
Camp, Marc-Antoine, Bernd Brabec de Mori, and Dorit Klebe, ed. in press. Autoritätsbildungen in der Musik. Freie Berichte. Joint Symposium der ICTM-Nationalkomitees der Schweiz, von Österreich und Deutschland am 18. und 19. November 2016 in Luzern, Schweiz. Zürich: Chronos Verlag. |
Klebe, Dorit, ed. in press. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band XXIII: Sammeln, Bewahren, Nutzen - Musiktraditionen und ihre inventiven Chancen. Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO/NGO) am 06. und 07. November 2015 in Freiburg. |
Klebe, Dorit, and Tiago de Oliveira Pinto, ed. in press. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band XXII: Tanz / Performance / Musikinstrument. Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO/NGO) am 28. und 29. November 2014 in Weimar. Berlin: Edition EMVAS. |
Klebe, Dorit, and Klaus Näumann, ed. in press. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Doppelband XX/XXI. Band XX: Musik-Transfer (Halle 2010) und Musikinstrumente – Seele und Vermächtnis (Hildesheim 2011); Band XXI: Musik und Transkulturalität (Würzburg 2012) und Traditionelle Musik europäischer Regionen im globalen Kontext (Köln 2013). Freie Berichte. Tagungen des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO/NGO) am 12. und 13. Februar 2010 in Halle und 11. und 12. Februar 2011 in Hildesheim sowie am 03. und 04. Februar 2012 in Würzburg und 15. und 16. Februar 2013 in Köln. Aachen: Shaker Verlag GmBH. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 2010. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Doppelband XVIII/XIX. Band XVIII: Musik in urbanen Kulturen; Band XIX: Musik und Gewalt. Freie Berichte. Tagungen des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 15. und 16. Februar 2008 in Berlin und 13. und 14. Februar in Hamburg. Münster: Verlag MVWissenschaft. With CD. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 2009. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Doppelband XVI/XVII. Band XVI: Rezeption und Selbstwahrnehmung von Musikkulturen; Band XVII: Musik in rituellen und ritualisierten Kontexten. Freie Berichte. Tagungen des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 13. und 14. Oktober 2006 in Mainz und 09. und 10. Februar 2007 in Bamberg. Münster: Verlag MVWissenschaft. With CD. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 2007. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Doppelband XIV/XV. Band XIV: Traditionelle Musikinstrumente im Zeichen der Globalisierung; Band XV: Stimme und Instrument in musikalischen Regionalkulturen der Gegenwart. Freie Berichte. Tagungen des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 01. und 02. Oktober 2004 in Hildesheim und 25. und 26. Februar 2005 in Weimar-Jena. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 2004. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band XIII: Traditionelle Musik und Mode(n). Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 14. und 15. Februar 2003 in Lüneburg. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 2003. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band XII: Traditionelle Musik von/für Frauen. Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 08. und 09. März in Köln. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 2002. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band XI: Die Dimension der Bewegung in traditioneller Musik. Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 16. und 17. Februar 2001 in Göttingen. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 2001. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Doppelband IX/X. Band IX: Traditionelle Musik und ihre Funktion(en); Band X: Traditionelle Musik in sich wandelnden Gesellschaften. Freie Berichte. Tagungen des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 17. und 18. September 1999 in Münster und 11. und 12. Februar 2000 in Halle. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 1999. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band VIII: Prozesse d. Aneignung (nicht nur) traditioneller Musik – in der eigenen, aus fremden Kulturen. Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 13. und 14. Februar 1998 in Lüneburg. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 1998. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Doppelband VI/VII. Band VI: Musik und Symbol; Band VII: Musik und Religion. Freie Berichte. Tagungen des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 26. und 27. Januar 1996 in Münster und 07. und 08. Februar 1997 in Berlin. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 1996. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band V: Konservierungs- und Änderungsfaktoren. Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 03. und 04. Februar 1995 in Leipzig. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 1995. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band IV: Instrument und Umwelt. Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der Beschaffenheit von Musikinstrumenten und ihren kulturellen Rahmenbedingungen. Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 28. und 29. Januar 1994 in Nürnberg. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 1994. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band III: Der Musiker in traditionellen Gesellschaften. Roundtable: Ethnomusikologie in der Verantwortung. Freie Berichte. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 12. und 13. Februar 1993 in Köln. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 1993. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band Il: Freie Berichte. Probleme der Pflege und Aufführungspraxis. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 01. und 02. März 1991 und am 14. und 15. Februar 1992 in Berlin. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |
Bröcker, Marianne, ed. 1992. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band I: Musik und Religion. Tagung des Nationalkomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im International Council for Traditional Music (UNESCO) am 17. und 18. September 1990 in Bamberg. Bamberg: Universitätsbibliothek. With cassette. |