Held at Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal, on 21 July 2022.
Chair: Lee Tong Soon, Secretary General.
In attendance (sorted by represented Study Group): African Musics (Ana Flávia Miguel, Patricia Opondo, Marie Agatha Ozah); Applied Ethnomusicology (Huib Schippers); Ethnochoreology (Catherine Foley, Siri Mæland); Global History of Music (Razia Sultanova); Historical Sources (Gerda Lechleitner, Susana Sardo); Iconography of the Performing Arts (Zdravko Blažeković); Indigenous Music and Dance (Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg); Mediterranean Music Studies (Vanessa Paloma Elbaz, Salvatore Morra); Multipart Music (Ardian Ahmedaja, Ignazio Macchiarella); Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia (Richard Wolf); Music and Dance in Latin America and the Caribbean (Juan Bermúdez, Javier Silvestrini, Jessie Vallejo); Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe (Daniela Ivanova-Nyberg); Music and Dance of Oceania (Georgia Curran); Music and Dance of the Slavic World (Jana Ambrózová); Music and Minorities (Svanibor Pettan, Hande Sağlam, Mayco Santaella); Music Archaeology (Daniela Castaldo); Music of the Turkic-speaking World (Abdullah Akat); Music, Education and Social Inclusion (Sarah Selleri); Music, Gender, and Sexuality (Marko Kölbl, Rachel Ong); Musical Instruments (Gisa Jähnichen); Performing Arts of Southeast Asia (Made Mantle Hood); Sacred and Spiritual Sounds and Practices (Irene Markoff, Marcia Ostashewski); Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (Rafael Caro, Kendra Stepputat). Also attending: Don Niles (Chair, Executive Board Committee for Study Groups), Carlos Yoder (Executive Secretary).
The meeting followed the agenda attached here.
1. Opening of meeting
- Lee opened the meeting at 18:49, welcoming all Study Group Chairs or their appointed representatives.
2. Brief self-introductions by each representative
- Attendees introduced themselves and their represented Study Groups. The total number of represented Study Groups was 23. The only Study Groups not represented at the Assembly were those on Audiovisual Ethnomusicology, Maqām, Music in the Arab World, and Musics of East Asia.
3. Consideration of the minutes of the last meeting, and business arising
- Lee called for a motion to approve the Minutes of the 3rd Assembly of ICTM Study Groups, as published on the ICTM website. Moved by Blažeković, seconded by Hood, motion carried.
- No business arising from the minutes was noted.
4. Announcement of any business arising from Executive Board meetings of interest to the representatives
- Niles relayed that the Executive Board (EB) was concerned that not all Study Groups had scheduled business meetings in the present World Conference. On behalf of the EB, he strongly encouraged all present to hold their business meetings during the next World Conference, as they benefit all past, current, and future Study Group members. He stressed that even if the Study Group Chair would not join the conference, somebody else could be assigned the task of chairing the meeting.
- After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the Study Group meetings during World Conferences should no longer be called "business meetings," as the term was considered to be outdated and in some cases misleading. Many alternatives were discussed, including "welcome", "membership", and "open" meetings, but no single agreement was reached.
- Lee related how meetings for all Study Groups had been scheduled in the conference's preliminary programme, and the members of the Assembly agreed to continue with this practice in the future.
5. Brief oral reports by representatives of important issues about their Study Groups
- Lee opened the floor for comments and any important updates the representatives might have.
- Curran asked to consider the timezone differences when scheduling online sessions in future conferences, so that participants joining from Oceania could do so at less inconvenient times.
- Lechleitner shared that the Study Group on Historical Sources had invited speakers to their 2019 business meeting, and that they would do it again later in the currently ongoing conference. She added that this innovative format had worked well for the Study Group, and that perhaps some other Study Groups could implement it as well.
- Lee suggested that short reports from the field, or by students, could be included in Study Group meetings at future World Conferences.
- Lee suggested that some kind of collaboration could be explored between ICTM Study Groups and SEM Interest Groups, as their foci of study often overlapped, as well as the memberships of both societies.
- Yoder related how the Secretariat had worked with the Study Group on Indigenous Music and Dance to organize a space at ICTM's Dropbox account, so that Study Group documents could be stored safely and reliably. Swijghuisen Reigersberg recommended other Study Groups to do so as well, because centralising document storage can ensure the continuity of processes whenever new Study Group authorities are elected.
- Pettan urged the members of the Assembly to "be creative" when planning symposia, prioritising "different countries" and holding joint symposia with other Study Groups.
6. Any other business
- No other business was recorded.
7. Adjournment
- Lee called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Moved by Ostashewski, seconded by Sultanova, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 19:53.
We hereby certify that this document comprises the Minutes of 4th Meeting of the Assembly of ICTM Study Group Chairs, held in Lisbon, Portugal, on 21 July 2022, and that its contents have been examined by us and that to the best of our knowledge and belief the content thereof is true, correct, and complete.
Lee Tong Soon, Secretary General
Carlos Yoder, Executive Secretary