A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
Preliminary programme
Paris, Musée de l'Homme, Auditorium Jean Rouch 17, Place du Trocadéro, 75116 Paris
Topic 1 : Evaluation of historical sound recordings
Topic 2 : The study of history through oral and written sources on music
Free entrance
Inscription (mandatory) : Susanne Fürniss, furniss@mnhn.fr
Wednesday, march 9
Opening of the Musée de l'Homme : 10 am
10:00 Inscriptions
10:20 Opening words
Session 1: Early recordings in Northern Congo
10:30 Demolin, Didier & Stéphanie Weisser: The historical recordings of Armand Hutereau
11:00 Gütl, Clemens: Sounds of an endangered people in the “Belgian Congo”: Researching the contexts of magnetic tapes recorded in the late 1960s
11:30 Coffee break
Session 2: Technical issues in archive recordings
12:00 Kunej, Drago: “Look What They’ve Done to My Song”
12:30 Boström, Mattias: Why phonograph? Understanding media uses in interaction
13:00 Lunch
Panel 1: Networking Sound Archives – Connecting Histories: Strategies and Contexts of Sound Recording and Archiving in Central and Southeastern Europe”
14:30 Gerda Lechleitner: The “Place” of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv
15:00 Pál Richter: Folk Music and Folk Dance Archives of ZTI
15:30 Rastko Jakovljevic: Rebound Legacies: Western Balkans Historical Recordings as the Mediator in Developing Cultural Politics and Research Strategies
16:00 Coffee break
Session 3: Epistemology, history and identity in the Middle East
16:30 Lambert, Jean: The sound archives of the Cairo Congress (1932): history and identity in the Arabic music
17:00 Jarjour, Tala: Syria, one song, and forging a different narrative of the Middle East
Cultural program 1
18:00 Film "Simha" by Jerome Blumberg, France 2015, 78 min.
Closing of the Musée de l'Homme : 9 pm
Thursday, march 10
Opening of the Musée de l'Homme : 10 am
Session 4: Cross-cultural understandings and misunderstandings in written sources
10:15 McCollum, Jon & David Hebert: “Tracing Historical Misunderstandings of Japanese Culture through Music-Related Manuscripts, Iconography, and Travel Writing”
10:45 Haug, Judith: “Don't fall asleep, your shoes may be stolen”: The Compendium of ,Ali Ufuki as a Mirror of Music and Life at the Ottoman Court
11:15 Coffee break
Session 5: Music and song as archives for unconceptualized memories
11:45 Sebiane, Maho: Zunûj history through oral and written sources on music: The case of the leiwah possession rite in Eastern Arabia.
12:15 Sardo, Susana: My songs are my archive. Goan catholic songs as historical sources for goanity
12:45 Lunch
Cultural program 2
14:30 Éric Gonthier:
The lithophones of the Musée de l'Homme
Session 6: Songs as sources for Amerindian social history
15:00 Lewy, Matthias: With the Archive back to Field.
15:30 Yvinec, Cedric: The ritual songs of the Suruí of Rondônia (Brazilian Amazon) as historical sources
16:00 Coffee break
Session 7: Tracking migrations through musical features
16:30 Le Bomin, Sylvie & Jérémy Gardent: The contribution of phylogenetic musical analysis to the reconstruction of history of populations with oral tradition
17:00 Velichkina, Olga: Documenting Russian panpipes tradition: historical sources and archival recordings.
Closing of the Musée de l'Homme : 6 pm
Friday, march 11
Opening of the Musée de l'Homme : 10 am
Session 8: Songs as sources for social history
10:15 Åkesson, Ingrid: Ballads as a source for historical studies of gender-power relations
10:45 Oras, Janika: “Before the final silence”: Creative aged women in Estonian historical oral culture
11:15 Saglam, Hande: Âşık Tradition: Musicians and Poets as an Important Source of Anatolian Collective History
12:45 Lunch
Panel 2 “Evaluation of historical sound recordings made during WW1 in German prison camps”
14:30 Nice Fracile: “Evaluating the phonographic recordings of Serbian traditional music”
15:00 Adelajda Merchan-Drazkowska: “The Greek recordings: evaluation and revitalization”
15:30 Susanne Ziegler: “Echoes from the Past: discussing and publishing the Georgian recordings”
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Business Meeting
Closing of the Musée de l'Homme : 6 pm
Cultural program 3
19:00 Conference dinner
Saturday, march 12
Opening of the Musée de l'Homme : 10 am
Session 9: Use of research archives
10:15 Urbancova, Hana: Historical Sound Recordings of Folk Music and a Typology of Their Users in Slovakia
10:45 Zhuzhunadze, Baia: The Attempt to Revive Meskhetian Polyphonic Songs (On the Example of Archival Recordings of the 1940s-80s)
11:15 Coffee break
Session 10: Microhistory
11:45 Burstyn, Shai: Music Documentation informing Cultural History: The Song “BaGalil”
12:15 Mifune, Marie-France: Retrospective listening of an oral tradition sound archive
12:45 Lunch
Panel 3: "The web platform Telemeta: New tools and perspectives for use of ethnomusicological sources"
14:30 Joséphine Simonnot, Aude Julien-da Cruz Lima, Thomas Fillon, Guillaume Pellerin, Julien Pinquier and Emeline Lechaux
16:00 Coffee break
Cultural program 4
16:30 Bal-conference with Quaus de Lanla
Closing of the Musée de l'Homme : 6 pm
Sunday, march 13
Opening of the Musée de l'Homme : 10 am
Session 11: Private archives
10:15 Elbaz, Paloma Vanessa: Founding KHOYA: Jewish Morocco Sound Archive and the slow unearthing of changing social relationships to the Sephardic Romancero
10:45 Brunner, Anja: The Value of Private Archives for Ethnomusicology. Notes on a Private Musical Archive in Cameroon and the Challenges for Archivists and Researchers.
11:15 Coffee break
Session 12: Connecting data
11:45 Le Gonidec, Marie-Barbara: Publishing an unpublished field research after 70 years: a view back on the history of our discipline, as well as on a musical tradition
12:15 Aude Julien-Da Cruz Lima, Pascal Cordereix, Audrey Viault, Claire Schneider: The sources of ethnomusicology: a collaborative project between BnF, Quai Branly Museum and CREM
12:45 Closing words
13:00 End of the Conference
Cultural program 5
afternoon: Free visit of the Musée de la Musique