International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Program - 21- 25 May 2008, Stockholm

ICTM Study group on HISTORICAL SOURCES 17th Meeting

The Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research, Stockholm
May 21-25 2008

Programme (final version)

Wednesday 21 May

12.00-13.30 Arrival, registration.
13.30-14.30 Official opening
14.30-15.30 Session 1. History of Ethnomusicology and General.
Susanne Ziegler, Berlin: Historical Sources In the History of Ethnomusicology – a Critical Review.
Gerda Lechleitner, Vienna: Prerequisites For the Value of Sound Recordings. Summing Up 100 Years of Source Criticism.
15.30-16.00 Coffee
16.00-17.30 Session 1 (continued). Ingrid Bertleff, Freiburg i. Br: Writing the History/ies of Ethnomusicology - or How To Construct Armchairs.
Session 2. Unknown Historical Sources .
Vit Zdrálek, Prague: Mieczyslav Kolinski and German Musicology in Prague Between 1930 and 1945.
Risto Blomster, Helsinki: Some Aspects of the Finnish Literature Society's Wax Cylinder Collection and its Origin.

19.30 Evening gathering at Svenskt visarkiv, light meal.

Thursday 22 May

9.00-10.30 Session 3. Tracing National Musical Idioms
Ewa Dahlig, Warsaw: Between Ethnomusicology and History of Music: Tracing Polish Musical Idiom In the Sources of the 16th-19th Century.
Vesa Kurkela, Tampere/Helsinki: Printed Folk Song - Canonizing National Music In 19th Century Finland.
Maurice Mengel, Berlin: Ethnomusicological Research In the Service of the Working Class: Folclor Nou In Romanian Ethnomusicology From the 1950s To the 1970s.
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.00 Session 4. Historical sound recordings revisited – Musical Change
Birgit Abels, Leiden: Who Wants Yesterday’s Music? The Aesthetics of Sound and Musical Change On an Island in the Western Pacific.
Sydney Hutchinson, Univ. of Arizona: El furioso merengue que ha sido nuestra historia. A Critical Look At Historical Sources For the Study of Dominican merengue típico.
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Guided tour of Svenskt visarkiv
14.30-15.00 Coffee

15.00-16.30 Session 5. Historical Layers of Folk Music
Per Åsmund Omholt, Rauland: How Old Is a “Slått”? On Historical Layers In Norwegian Fiddle Music.
Hans-Hinrich Thedens, Oslo: A Desire For the Genuine and Ancient. Dealing With Historical Sources In Norwegian Music.
Rūta Žarskienė, Vilnius: Historical Sound Sources. What the Earliest Skudučiai Recordings Tell Us.
16.30-17.30 Break
17.30-18.30 Business meeting


Friday 23 May

09.30-12.00 Guided tour of the Stockholm Music Museum and short sightseeing
(nearby are the Stockholm Royal Opera, Dramaten/The Royal Theatre, the Stockholm Concert Hall, etc.) including coffee break.
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Session 6. Folk song collections and source critisism (1)
Bjørn Aksdal, Trondheim: From Unique Performance To Musical Canon. A Critical View On the Publication of National Collections of Traditional Music.
Hana Urbancová, Bratislava: Written Records and Source Criticism. A Collection of Slovak Folk Songs Collected by Karol Plicka.
14.30-15.00 Coffee
15.00-16.30 Session 7. Folk song collections and source critisism (2)
Margareta Jersild, Stockholm: Some Thoughts On Written Sources In the Light of Sound Recordings.
Žanna Pärtlas, Tallinn: Setu Polyphonic Singing. Comparison Of Written Sources and Sound Recordings.
Eckhard John, Freiburg i. Br.: Rezeption und Edition: Grundlagen des ”Historisch-kritischen Liederlexikons”.


Saturday 24 May

9.00-10.30 Session 8. Writings on music (1)
Clemens Gütl, Vienna: Mission Sources for the Study of African Music.
Alois Mauerhofer, Graz: Rechtsquellen als kontextuelle Quellen zur Volksmusik.
Jürgen Elsner, Berlin: The Problem of Sources. Rehandling Transmitted Knowledge On Music.
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.00 Session 9. Writings on music (2)
Rimantas Astrauskas, Vilnius: Musical Dimensions in the 15th Century Writings on Prussian Customs.
Ulrich Morgenstern, Hamburg: Western Sources on Russian Folk Instrumental Music and Dance in 17-th-19-th Centuries and its Reception in Russian Ethnomusicology.
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Session 10. Writings on music (3)
Tamila Dzhani-Zade, Moscow: A Music-Historical Sources’ Improvement or Using These Sources For the Ethno-cultural Reconstruction?
Słavomira Żerańska-Kominek, Warsaw: Darvish Ali’s Treatise On Music As a Historical Source.
14.30-15.00 Coffee
15.00-16.00 Session 11. Research History and Revival
Ardian Ahmedaja, Vienna: Sound Recordings as Sources For the Research History. Collection Work in Albania since 1903.
Austė Nakienė, Vilnius: Revival of Singing Tradition Listening to the Archival Recordings.

19.00 Buffet and music-making.

Sunday 25 May

10.00-11.00 Final discussion.

13.00-15.00 Optional Post-Conference Boat Tour on the Waters of Stockholm.
(price 180 SEK, ca 18 €)