International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO


Past Meetings: 

The Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland --Founding Meeting   5-7 August 1985

Freie Universitat, Berlin (FRG)  27-29 July 1987                                                                            

Musicological Seminar of the University of Heidelberg (FRG) 21-26 June 1988

Freie Universitat, Berlin  14 June 1993

Nordic Forum and University of Turku, Finland 4-7 August 1994

Institut za Etnologiju i Folkloristiku of Zagreb, held at Punat, Croatia  20-24 September 1995

University of Göthenburg, Sweden  29 April 1996  

Abo Akademi University and The Sibelius Academy, held at Järvenpää, Finland 21-23 January 1999 

York University, Toronto, Canada  4-6 August 2000 

Marriott Hotel and Lydia's Restaurant, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  13 November 2014

Kazakh National University of the Arts, Astana, Kazakhstan 22 July 2015

Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Center for Global Studies, Universität der Bern, Switzerland    13-16 July 2016 

University of Limerick, Ireland   16 July 2017

Universität of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria  23-30  July 2018

Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand, 15 July 2019


Forthcoming Business Meeting:

The next business meeting will be held at the Study Group Symposium at the Music Academy in Zagreb, Croatia,  July 10 - 14, 2020. 


 ICTM Music and Gender Study Group Reports of Meetings


2018 Meeting.  The Minutes of the Business Meeting of 29 July 2018 were ______?_______ by the members in attendance at the 45th World Conference of the ICTM at its Business Meeting held on Monday, 15 July 2019 at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.



2018 International Council for Traditional Music

Music and Gender Study Group Business Meeting



Sunday, July 29, 2018

Chair:  Barbara L. Hampton

Vice Chair:  Marko Kölbl

Secretary/Treasurer:  Shrz Ee Tan

MDW, Vienna  29 July 2018


Present: Cornelia Gruber (CG), Marko Koelbl (MK), Heather MacLachlan (HM),

Barbara Hampton (BH). Anja Brunner (AB), Linda Cimardi (LC), Nora Bammer

(NB), Carlos Yoder (CY), Michiko Hirama (MH), Javier Silvestrini (JS), Kristin

McGee (KG), Kate Walker (KW), Lasanthi Kalonga (LK), Svanibor Pettan (SP),

Mojca Piskor (MP), Naila Ceribasic (MC), Anastasiya Niakrasava (AN), Hande

Saglam (HS), Sevilay Cinar (SC), Shzr Ee Tan (ST), Silvia Martinez (SM), Grace

Takyi (GT), Francesca Cassio (FC), Martina Muhlbauer (MM), Paola Granado (PG)

1. Approval of Agenda –The agenda was approved by acclamation. Given

2. Approval of Minutes 2018

The minutes of the Limerick 2017 meeting were approved with the

following emendations.

SP: Correction of Svanibor Pettan’s initials to SP

3. Change of Name to Music, Gender and Sexuality: MK response to UH on

discussion of new name for study group: CG and MK have prepared a draft name

and mission statement since Limerick meeting, with view to presenting it for

review in Bangkok 2019, following contributions from existing committee


4. Membership List – GDPR Compliance and new email list is in the process of

being generated for new members/ returning old members who agree to GDPR


5. Participation in 2019 World Conference

BH to send out Call For Papers for panel(s). The deadline is 30 September 2018,

so all members are urged to participate and to comply with the deadline of the

Program Committee of the World Conference. In order to submit a panel from

the study group, the abstracts would need to arrive earlier than 30 September.

6. Meeting Places for 2020

NC and MP proposed to host next Study Group meeting at the Institute for

Ethnology and Folklore Research in Croatia, with availability of new buildings

including a sizeable concert hall and a smaller hall, all of which are centrally

located with good transport links and accommodation options, etc.

Potential dates: Beginning of July, before July 15.

The motion was made by NC and seconded by ??. The motion carried by majority

vote and the 11th Symposium of the Music and Gender Study Group will be held

in Zagreb, Croatia in July 2020. Majority of votes obtained for Croatia as 2020

Study Group Meeting venue.

7. UH recommended that a representative who was a member of the local

arrangements committee for the Croatia conference join the Programme

Committee for logistic reasons. Decision seconded by NC and BH; MP to be

seconded for Programme Committee.

AB, HM, KW – volunteered/ nominated for membership of Programme


MK suggested that final decision for additional members of PC to be deferred

until further email call for nominations.

FC suggested that criteria for paper selection to be made public.

The Program Committee for the 11th Symposium will be chaired by Heather

MacLachlan. Other members of the committee will be AB, KW. BH. and one other

person tba..

8. Statement on Sexual Harrassment

BH reported that the Study Group would like to prepare a position statement on

relationship violence. This would also be a statement in response to the current

work being carried out by the SEM Gender and Sexuality Task Force. It would be

a statement on principles, not requiring the provision or constitution of a panel

for the hearing of grievances, although the study group could choose to do so if it

so wished.

BH expressed that the Study Group did not want any power to adjudicate or to

prosecute specific cases. However, it could decide on whether or not to set up a

system to receive complainsThere was a motion to go into a Committee of the

Whole. The motion was seconded and carried.

Committee of the Whole – Free Discussion

A joint statement on sexual harrassment by MK, CG and RA (not present) was

read (see attachment). This was made only in individual representation of the

three authors, in specific regard to a recent FaceBook statement on disclosing an

individual as a survivor of sexual harrassment.

MK clarified that the statement was devised to express in written form what had

been content of side-talk during the conference, in order to encourage open

discussion of sexual harassment issues from an institutional point of view,

without necessitating a discussion on the specific details of any single case.

After much discussion involving various members of the group present, the

Committee as a Whole agreed that the Executive Committee would draft a

statement to reflect contents of the discussion and current issues at stake. This

statement would have durability and breadth of coverage. This was agreed upon

by acclamation.

7. Old Business

UH pointed out anomaly in 2017 minutes concerning nomination of new

members of Executive Committee by the Vienna meet in 2018 (yet to have taken

place by current business meeting). MK and ST clarified that the mention of the

2018 date was a spoken mistake at the Limerick meeting in view of actual

recommended terms of individual committee members, and that new committee

members would be installed for Bangkok 2019. BH clarified that she would be

circulating a call for nominations and votes for the new committee.

Minutes of Limerick Meeting 2017 to be amended, also including presence of NC

who was not documented.

8. New Business

8a. Topics for the Bangkok panels were tentatively proposed by all at meeting:

- sexual harassment in academic environments/ hierarchies in the scope

of gender and sexualities

- Critical Questioning of Intersectionality, Interdependency, Instabilities

- Queering

- Voicing Resistance Through Music

- Resilience

- Music and Species-ism

8b. BH raised issue of income differentials preventing more women from coming

to conferences; proposed starting a fund to support conference attendees and

mentioned that individual donors had been potentially secured. However, there

was a need for documentation for charitable deduction to non-profit..

UH pointed out that ICTM was NGO-registered in Slovenia and that all

documentation should be processed through this channel.

CY clarified that all donations were to be made to Slovenia.



2017 Meeting



2016 Meeting.   The Minutes of the Business Meeting of 15 July 2016 were approved by the members in attendance at the 44th World Conference of the ICTM at its Business Meeting held on Sunday, 16 July 2017 at the  Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick in Limerick, Ireland.

                                                 International Council for Traditional Music

Music and Gender Study Group Business Meeting

Friday, July 15, 2016


-- Minutes --


Chair: Barbara L. Hampton

Vice Chair: Marko Kölbl

Acting Secretary/Treasurer: Anna Hoefnagels


In Attendance: Rasika Ajotikar, Nora Bammer, Anja Brunner, Marc-Antoine Camp, Francesca Cassio (FC), Loren Chuse (LC), Linda Cimardi, Beverley Diamond (BD), Jenny Game-Lopata (JGL), Barbara L. Hampton (BH), Ursula Hemetek, Thomas R.  Hilder, Anna Hoefnagels (AH), Ana Hofman (AHof), Gertrud Maria Huber, Marko Kölbl (MK), Heather MacLachlan (ML), Lasanthi Manaranjanie, Kristin McGee, Pirkko Moisala (PM), James Nissen, Svanibor Pettan, Andres Pfister, Shuwen Qu, Sara Selleri, Marcello Sorce Keller, Britta Sweers (BS), Rafique Wassan (RW)



1. Meeting called to order – 4:05 p.m.




2. Motion to approve agenda – motion carries




3. Motion to approve minutes of last meeting – motion carries




4. Presentation of By-Laws Committee – distributed and presented by Heather MacLachlan


§  Discussion ensued (some clarity sought around specific items; some suggested revisions to document, all noted by Heather MacLachlan as committee representative)



§  Motion: move that election of officers to the board be facilitated by the secretariat of the ICTM – motion carries



§  Motion to go into committee of the whole – motion carries


§  Motion to go out of committee of the whole – motion carries


§  Motion: move that the operating procedures proposed by the By-Laws committee be accepted, pending discussed changes noted, reviewed by the committee and Music & Gender Study Group Board – motion carries

AH, AHof

§  Resolution of thanks to the By-Laws Committee for their work over the past year




5. Old Business – none




6. New Business:



§  Need to organize panels for ICTM Ireland  

§  Due date for panels is end of September

§  Motion: that the study group present organized panels to ICTM World conference – motion carries

§  Nomination of chairs: Ana Hofman & Barbara Hampton


§  Need for program chair: Kristin McGee volunteered, unanimous

§  Rafique Wassan agreed to serve on committee

§  Discussion of possible collaborations with other study groups; various possibilities: Audio-visual study group (PM); Music and Minorities (FC); Ethnochoreology (KM)

§  Discussion of possible themes: Music and social movements (RW)









7. Resolution of Thanks to Britta Sweers and Anja Brunner for their organization and hosting of the ICTM Music & Gender Study Group meeting




8. Motion to Adjourn – motion carries – 5:10 p.m.



2015 Meeting

 The minutes of the meeting held at Kazakh National Univeristy of the Arts, Astana on 21 July 2015 were approved at the Business Meeting held at the Instistut fur Musikwissenschaft, Universitat der Bern, Switzerland on 15 July 2016.

ICTM Music and Gender Study Group


Tuesday 21 July 2015

Kazakh National University of the Arts, Astana




Present:  Barbara Hampton (BH), Shzr Ee Tan (ST), Heather MacLachlan (HM), Anna Hoefnagels (AH), Louise Wrazen, Urmimala Sarka, Jennifer Newsome, Jenny Game-Lopata (JGL), Kumiko Uyeda, Cornelia Gruber (GB), Marko Koelbl (MK), Britta Sweers, Nora Bammer, Elizabeth Clendinning, Reinhard Straub, Anne Rasmussen (AR), Elizabeth Tolbert.



Meeting called to order by Barbara L. Hampton, Chair.



Minutes of the meeting held in Pittsburgh on 12November 2014, were approved as an accurate record with the following emendation:

 Shzr Ee Tan is not an independent scholar as recorded, but a Senior Lecturer at Royal Holloway University of London



    All colleagues


Nominations were called from the floor for the position of Vice-Chair. Heather MacLahlan called for the clarification of role of Vice Chair in line with the constitution of the Study Group. This was provided by Barbara L. Hampton.


Marko Koelbl was the sole nominee for Vice Chair. A vote was taken and Marko Koelbl was elected to the position by acclamation. He will serve a four-year term,  subject to any revisions necessitated by the new Operating Procedures.




MK, HM, BH, all colleagues


Nominations were called from the floor for the position of Secretary. Barbara Hampton provided a clarification of the role. Heather MacLachlan and Shzr Ee Tan were nominated for the role and introduced themselves. A vote was taken and Shzr Ee Tan was elected to the position. She will serve a four-year term subject to any revisions necessitated by the new Operating Procedures.





HM, ST, BH, all colleagues





A call was made for membership of the Operating Procedures Committee. Heather MacLachlan and Cornelia Gruber volunteered and were named to the roles.



all colleagues



An invitation to hold the 2016 Meeting at the University of Bern was offered by Britta Sweers and planned for 13 – 16 July. Information was given on the conference venue with regards to transport costs to and within Switzerland, as well as accommodation and living expenses and arrangements. Travel funding for those with financial need will be made available. Britta Sweers commented on gender equality at large in Switzerland, based on the fact that the territory only ratified votes for women in the 1980s.


The flexibility of the conference dates was questioned. Barbara Hampton and Britta Sweers confirmed that this was currently not negotiable, due to the plethora of unavoidable simultaneous ICTM symposia already announced for the summer of 2016.


Registration fees were projected to be around 50 Euros/ 50 USD for registration and 30 Euros/ 30 USD for an excursion, depending on funding available and restrictions. Britta Sweers suggested arranging lunch separately at nearby canteens instead of catered meals.









A call was made for Conference Themes that will be used for both the CFP and a funding application by Britta Sweers, which has a 12 January deadline.  The body collaboratively proposed a global overarching theme based on the group’s mission and funding application criteria. The following keywords were put forward for a preliminary framework: Globalisation, Postcolonial, Intersection, Transnational Flows, Activism, Gender, Music, Participation, Neoliberalism, Performance, Crossroads, Discourse, Emerging Global Realities, Transacting, Interventions, Transcultural Perspectives, Conversations, Methodology, Scholarship, Global Studies and Contexts, Globally-and-Locally.


Anna Hoefnagels suggested delegating the choice of conference title/ themes to a program committee. Heather MacLachlan suggested differentiating between “Gender/ Performance” and “Gender Performance.” Barbara Hampton commented on the use of hyphens in the conference title.


The vote was taken in favour of this conference theme: Gender – Performance – Activism: Transcultural Conversations 



   All colleagues,

        BH, AH


A call was made for 2016 Conference Programme Committee Members. They would also be allowed to present at the symposium on the basis of anonymous peer reviews of abstracts for all. Barbara Hampton actively encouraged all programme committee members to physically attend the conference in Bern.


Jenny Game-Lopata and Anna Hoefnagels respectively volunteered for and were nominated to the committee. Naila Ceribašić was nominated in absentia, with Ana Hofman, Svanibor Pettan, and Ric Trimillos mentioned as other possibilities. These members were accepted and Barbara Hampton agreed to elicit additional Conference Programme Committee members.



    All colleagues





A preliminary structure for the conference was suggested, including two brainstorm sessions and 12 panels over three days. Flexibility would be provided for poster sessions, reading sessions, plus start and end times. There will be no parallel sessions. Action: The motion was passed unanimously that the Conference Programme Committee be left to plan the actual conference structure.


Heather MacLachlan and Anna Hoefnagels asked about childcare provision at the conference. Action: A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided that Britta Sweers should look into what the university at Bern can offer.


Anna Hoefnagels suggested calling for organised panels in the conference call for papers. Action:  A vote was taken and the body agreed that Barbara Hampton should look into this.


Shzr Ee Tan suggested organising a Facebook page. Action: The body approved by vote that Shzr Ee Tan should look into this


(Addendum: The Facebook page is now live at:


The official study group page is also live at: /group/music-and-gender )



    HM, BS, AH,   

     BH, ST, all





Meeting adjourned and minutes to be reported to the ICTM Executive Board. Group picture taken at conference venue.



   All colleagues






                                                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                                                Shzr Ee Tan

                                                                                                Royal Holloway

                                                                                                University of London

2014 Meeting

Below are the minutes of the 13 November 2014 meeting that were approved by majority vote at the meeting held in Astana, Kazakhstan on 22 July 2015.




Meeting of 13 November 2014


The meeting was called to order by Barbara L. Hampton, presiding.  Greetings were made to all members in attendance and to the Secretary General Dr. Svanibor Pettan.   Dr. Pettan also greeted the members. The Chair asked that a motion be made to approve the agenda.  It was made, seconded and the body voted unanimously to approve the agenda as written.

 The floor was opened for nominations for Chair.  Barbara L. Hampton was nominated.  There were no other nominations.  A motion was made to close the nominations; it was seconded and passed. A vote was taken, and Barbara L. Hampton was elected to the position of Chair. The Chair will serve for two years at which time another election will be held for Chair; the term of the second election and all subsequent terms for Chair will be for four years, subject to any revisions necessitated by the new Operating Procedures.

 The floor was opened for nominations for Secretary/Treasurer.  Susan Thomas as nominated.  There were no other nominations.  A motion was made to close the nominations; it was seconded and passed.  A vote was taken, and Susan Thomas was elected to the position of Secretary/Treasurer.   Dr. Thomas will serve a four-year term subject to any revisions necessitated by the new Operating procedures.

 It was decided by acclamation that, given the international membership of ICTM and of the study group, the position of Vice Chair should be held by a member from another continent.  Nominations were placed for Rachel Harris (SOAS University of London) and Shzr Ee Tan (Royal Holloway, University of  London).  Subject to their agreement to have their names placed in nomination, an online vote of the membership will be held.

 A motion was made and seconded to constitute the Operating Procedures Committee with the following slate:

Deborah Wong                                  Susan Thomas

Eileen Hayes                                     Barbara L. Hampton

Elizabeth Tolbert

The motion passed unanimously. The Operating Procedures Committee will report back to the membership with the completed Operating Procedures six months in advance of the next meeting for its perusal. At the next meeting the Operating Procedures will be presented for approval to the full membership present and voting.

It was reported that an abstract for a session to be sponsored by the study group has been submitted to the Program Committee for the 2015 World Conference of ICTM to be held in Astana, Kazakhstan in July.  The announcement of its acceptance or rejection will be made in December 2014.  The Chair asked that all members try to attend and participate in this session, if accepted.

 A vote was taken on two invitations for the 2016 meeting:

1) Ljubljana, Slovenia and 2) Bern, Switzerland.  It was decided by vote that the 2016 meeting be held in Bern, Switzerland with thanks to Britta Sweeers.

 There was no Old Business.  For New Business the Chair reported that the next business meeting will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan at a time to be assigned by the World Conference Program Committee.  As soon as that is known, it will be announced to the members by e-mail and at the web site.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by acclamation.



Susan Thomas



Below is a report of the last Music and Gender Study Group Meeting for which we have record under the leadership of Drs. Magowan's and Tshishvili's leadership.  They remained Chairs of the study group until the end of 2013.  On behalf of the study group members, I express gratitude to both Drs. Magowan and Tshishvili for their years of distinguished service to the study group and for their dedication to its mission. As we move forward, I ask that any documents that  shed light on the history of the study group since 2006 be shared.  Kindly send them to the current Chair, and they will be posted.  Thanks to all study group members for your contributions of service, insight and encouragement during these first months of my chairing, and I look forward to seeing you at the 2014 Meeting (the details of which are posted under "News" below).

Barbara L. Hampton, Ph.D. 

2005 Meeting

The Music and Gender Study Group met on Friday 18 November 2005 in the Sheraton Midtown Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia during the 50th SEM conference. Nine members of the group attended. The Chair proposed to elect a new co-chair as the position has been vacant since 2000. Calls for nominations were placed on the listserv. Nino Tshishvili was nominated and elected unopposed. The main discussion focussed on the the issue of funding for group meetings and the need to combine study group symposia with other major conferences as it is difficult to get full travel funding for participants. With increasing competition between different conferences and the limited resources given to academics, members understandably tend to use university travel grants to attend major conferences rather than participate in separate study group events. It was therefore proposed that the study group would organise a panel either at the next ICTM International conference in Vienna in 2007 or at the Feminist Music Theory conference in 2007. The study group would also like to encourage greater collaboration, discussion and debate between members and a list of research projects is being compiled by the chair which will be made available on the listserv. It is hoped that the information will offer an arena for possible joint research applications and also provide a database of publications and scholarly materials for members to draw upon.

Fiona Magowan, D. Phil.                                                                                                                                                             March 2006


Music and Gender Study Group Future Plans About a 2004 meeting

Chair: Dr. Fiona Magowan

1. Despite requests on the listserve for nominations for a co-chair of
this study group, none have been forthcoming. Since Carol Babiracki\'s
resigniation, I remain the sole chair. However, I am hopeful that
nominations may be more forthcoming from members whenever the study
group next meets.

2. An informal study group meeting was discussed and provisionally
organised prior to the ICTM World Conference in Rio de Janeiro last year
over our listserve. I was unable to attend this conference and Beverley
Diamond agreed to act in my absence. However, I understand from Beverley
that this meeting did not transpire.

3. I have contacted Linda Barwick to request the possibility of holding
a Music and Gender Study Group meeting during the joint IMS/ICTM
Symposium in Melbourne in 2004. I am awaiting confirmation as to whether
this will be possible.

4. The 2004 conference is ideally located for me to arrange a study
group meeting and I would view it as the opportunity to generate a
publication of music and gender study group papers from the Melbourne

2000 Meeting

The year 2000 has proved to be one of exciting developments for the Music and Gender Study group. About 30 delegates met at York University, Toronto from 5-7 August 2000, for an extremely lively and engaging conference, skilfully convened and organised by Beverley Diamond. The scope of the conference themes attracted scholars from as far afield as Australia, Poland, Croatia and Germany and scholarly interests covered a range of topics including: Ukranian folk dance; Georgian chants from Russia; Jewish songs; issues in music education; Sephardic music in Spain; female African composers; Australian Aboriginal women\'s crying-songs; restaurant music in Finland; and the construction of gender in popular music in Iceland and America. The conference also included some general discussion sessions guided by Bev Diamond and Carol Babiracki concerning gender in relation to issues of music and biology and music and human movement. These sessions prompted much enthusiasm from all participants and raised probing questions. Other highlights of the conference included an evening at Caribana - a Carribean Mardi Gras; a wondeful surprise performance of Georgian chant, as well as some time to explore the sights of Downtown Toronto.

On publication matters, our congratulations go to Beverley Diamond and Pirrko Moisala for their recent anthology entitled Music and Gender. Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 2000 which was launched at the conference. The collection explores the ways gender, as a dynamic and fluid system, informs and tranforms what we call music. Case studies include how gender is performed and/or reflected in musical performances in Turkey, Croatia, Finland, Estonia, Central African Republic, Eritrea, Ethiopia, United States and Canada.

At the conference business meeting, members reluctantly accepted Pirkko Moisala\'s resignation from the position of co-chair after her many years of tireless service. We would like to thank Pirkko for the hard work, dedication, consistency and cheerfulness that she has brought to the group. Carol Babiracki continues to hold her position as co-chair and a new co-chair was elected. Fiona Magowan is a lecturer in Anthropology at Adelaide University specialising in Australian Aboriginal music and dance. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland, she completed a degree in Music at Nottingham University, England, before studying Anthropology at Oxford University and completing her D.Phil., Melodies of Mourning in 1995. At the meeting, it was also agreed that the Study Group would set up a listserve website in order to enable further dialogue between members to continue. We are extremely grateful to Roberta Lamb for enabling the Study Group to function in this manner. In order to participate in the website discussion group we require email addresses of members. There are a number of members whose email addresses are not listed. If you have not sent us your address please email one of the co-chairs below accordingly. In terms of future meetings, Poland, Italy and Australia were discussed as possible conference venues.

Carol Babiracki,; Fiona Magowan,