A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
We are glad to announce that by invitation of the General Directorate of Fine Arts of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Yildirim Beyazit University State Conservatory for urkish Music of Ankara a Joint Symposium of the ICTM Study Groups on Maqām and on Music in the Arab World will be held in Ankara, Turkey, 17-21 December 2014.
More information about local arrangement issues will be given by the host as early as possible, and will be published on the webpages of both Study Groups.
The general topic of the symposium reads “Maqām traditions between theory and contemporary music making”.
A variety of possible approaches to this extended field of research appear in the following:
Herewith we call for papers, abstracts of which up to 250 words plus up to 200 words of biographical data should be submitted via email to Prof. Dr. Jürgen Elsner or to Dr. Scheherazade Hassan. The deadline for abstracts will be 15 of April 2014. Early submissions are highly appreciated. Please, indicate the kind of technical support you may need.
Confirmation of accepted papers will be announced latest by 15 May 2014, so that you will have enough time to organise your trip and eventual funding. Please, do not hesitate in case of any questions to contact the local organiser or the programme committee.