International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Call for Papers - 1st Symposium 11 - 13 June 2010, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore

1st Symposium Of The Ictm Study Group
On The Performing Arts Of Southeast Asia

11 - 13 June 2010
Republic Polytechnic



We are pleased to announce the 1st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia and offer this call for abstracts to be submitted by 1 November 2009. Please note that this symposium will focus on selected themes, which will form the basis of our presentations and discussions.

Our themes have emerged from the conversations occurring online in response to the organizing meeting in 2008 and subsequent first business meeting in 2009 at the ICTM world conference in Durban. With these themes, this Symposium attempts to address topics that reach across national boundaries and to encourage collaborative presentations among scholars. In this spirit, the Program Committee encourages papers within the context of panels, round tables, individual papers, lecture demonstrations and film, focusing on the themes or topics noted below. The length of presentations of individual papers and a paper as part of a panel should be no longer than 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion.


This theme invites contributions on hybridity in the performing arts wherever it is found in the Southeast Asian region and in any time period. A presentation may address ideas of originality, authenticity, colonial or post-colonial reaction and many other responses to the idea of hybridity. Presentations may be proposed on any topic within the general theme of hybridity in the performing arts.

The martial arts present a rich area of study in many parts of Southeast Asia, and within this theme stylistic elements (movement, music and so on), context, social and cultural relevance, social and national identity building, mapping and profiling silat traditions, globalization and other aspects are important. This theme encompasses presentations on the world of silat/martial arts as found within and beyond national borders, including scenes of global migration of the art of silat. The Symposium invites presentations on the many aspects of this tradition.

The documenting and archiving of all types of music, dance and theater throughout the entire region of Southeast Asia has become imperative in this day of nearly extinct genres, global imports and their influence on all of the performing arts. Papers or panels are invited on the topics of documentation, method, context and process, new technology, digital audio/video recording techniques, digitizing analogue audio/video recordings and other aspects of new technology in documentation and archiving.
The storage of documented materials in both analogue and digital formats, the archiving of such materials, metadata management, information access and the development of libraries and museums and their use of the many aspects of archiving of music, dance and theater is included in this thematic category.

Graduate and post-graduate students, in particular, are engaged in research in the performing arts at local levels, and international scholars from many parts of the world often have little or no contact with these local efforts that are on-going throughout Southeast Asia. Therefore, we invite young scholars to present their research and documentation work in short presentations (about 15 minutes) in this Symposium, which may include results of field work, the study of music/dance/theater in new media/internet/U-Tube/film/TV and other contexts. In addition, all new and old members of ICTM are encouraged to present reports on any new research efforts in the performing arts of Southeast Asia.

Round Table on Cultural Studies and Music & Dance
This Symposium invites scholars to organize a round table discussion on the topic of cultural studies, the Southeast Asian performing arts, and the inclusion of music and dance performance practice, including analysis, as substantial components. Interested scholars should organize the round table discussion on this topic, select a chairperson (or organizer) and submit their proposal(s). A one and a half hour session will be allotted to this round table.

The language of this symposium is English, as is the official language of the host country, Singapore.

Please submit an abstract for your individual paper, panel, round table discussion or new research report of approximately 250 words, and a very short biographical note (100 words or less) on the presenter, including all presenters in a panel or round table. Panels must submit a statement on the theme and central concern of the panel along with an abstract from each presenter on the panel (each abstract limited to 250 words).

Please send your proposal by email. The text should be pasted in the body of the email and also sent as a Word file (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.RTF) attachment to your email to assure access. If you are unable to send your proposal by email, you may send a hard copy and an electronic version on a CD. Please label all communications clearly with your full electronic and postal contact details.

The Program Committee reserves the right to accept only those proposals that, in their opinion, fit best into the scheme of the Symposium, and that can be situated within the time frame of the Symposium.

Proposals should be sent to the Chair of the Program Committee and the Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee by 1 November 2009:

Patricia Matusky (Program Committee Chair):

Joyce Teo (Local Arrangements Chair):

If sending your proposal by hard copy and on CD, please send to:
Dr. Patricia Matusky
P O Box 1569
Acme, Michigan 49610, USA

If you are sending by postal mail from Southeast Asia or Australia/New Zealand, you may send to:
Prof. Dr. Mohd. Anis Md. Nor
Cultural Centre
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Please note that when your emailed proposal has been received, you will receive an email acknowledgment within 4-5 days. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within this time, please contact the Program Committee Chair (email address above).

All proposals will undergo peer review, and notification of acceptance will be announced no later than 10 January 2010.

For those of you who are interested in starting a sub-study group focusing on a specific theme or topic, you will need to select a chair or spokes person and write up a brief description of your proposed sub-study group, noting the rationale and any projects that can be earmarked by the group at the time of your proposal. Submit your proposal for the particular sub-study group to the Program Committee Chair for this Symposium (see email address above). The secretariat for this Study Group will table the proposals at the Business Meeting for discussion and official approval.

Please note that all presenters must register as a member of the International Council of Traditional Music directly with the ICTM Secretariat before attending the Study Group Symposium. The email contact is: . Those visitors who wish to attend this Symposium as non-members will be able to do so under a special registration fee, as will students. All registration fees and other information will be forth coming from the Local Arrangements Committee.

The Program Committee for this Symposium consists of Patricia Matusky (USA, Chair); Joyce Teo (Singapore); Chalermsak Pikulsri (Thailand); Mohd. Anis Md. Nor (Malaysia); Tan Sooi Beng (Malaysia); Gisa Jaehnichen (Germany); Made Mantle Hood (Australia).