A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
The fourth business meeting of ICTM’s applied ethnomusicology study group (AESTG) was held on 18 July 2011 as part of the 41st ICTM World Conference in St. John’s, Canada. It was hosted by outgoing Chair Svanibor Pettan together with outgoing Vice Chair Klisala Harrison, and was attended by more than forty ICTM members.
A review of scholarly accomplishments associated with the AESTG highlighted the volume of peer-reviewed articles Applied Ethnomusicology: Historical and Contemporary Approaches (2010, Cambridge Scholars Publishing) edited by Klisala Harrison, Elizabeth Mackinlay and Svanibor Pettan. Forthcoming proposed publications related to the study group include a collection of essays edited by Eric Martin Usner. Study group members provided synopses of recent applied ethnomusicology publications and projects including those of Manfred Bartmann, Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg, Kirsty Gillespie, Dan Bendrups and Aaron Corn.
Panikos Giorgoudes then presented the agenda for the 3rd AESTG symposium in Nicosia, Cyprus. The symposium will take place at the University of Nicosia on 18-22 April 2012.
The meeting concluded with elections of a new study group executive. Klisala Harrison was elected as Chair while Samuel Araújo became Vice Chair and Britta Sweers, Secretary. Founding chair Svanibor Pettan was warmly thanked for his work on the AESTG and for his ongoing contributions to applied ethnomusicology.
Klisala Harrison, Chair