A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
This number of the year book is dedicated entirely to this theme as it can be seen on the website:
Also the first book review in this number done by Enrique Cámara de Landa is dedicated to this theme. All reviews of the number can be downloaded. We were told that this will be the case with the articles at latest in one year.At the end of each article I have add the page numbers.
Res Musica 8 / 2016
News, Res Musica | 23. January 2017
This eighth issue of the yearbook Res Musica is the second number dedicated to the domain of ethnomusicology (the first was the 2012 edition). This time the collection of articles develops the topics discussed at the First Seminar of the ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music) Study Group on Multipart Music, held on 19–20 Septem- ber 2014 at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn. The theme of the Seminar was “Multipart Music: theoretical approaches on the terminology”.
It should be mentioned here that the form of this event was quite unusual – the number of participants was limited to eight in- vited specialists who, instead of giving standard conference papers, chaired the discussions on the related topics. This circumstance has shaped the conception of the present volume. Firstly, the clearly delimited theme of the Seminar has result- ed in the greater thematic homogeneity of the collection than usual. Secondly, the influence of the Seminar’s discussions is often apparent in the articles, leading to dialogic connections between the texts.
The editor of this yearbook is Žanna Pärtlas. Read on about its contents from Editor’s Preface.
Sisukord / Table of Contents
Saateks koostajalt 5-6 (in Estonian)
Editor’s Preface 7-8.
Ignazio Macchiarella
Multipart Music as a Conceptual Tool. A Proposal. 9-25.
Mõiste multipart music kui kontseptuaalne vahend. Mõned ettepanekud (resümee) 26-27.
Ardian Ahmedaja
The Designation of Concepts in Studies of Multipart Music 28-41.
Mõistete määratlemine mitmehäälse muusika uuringutes (resümee) 42-43.
Žanna Pärtlas
Theoretical Approaches to Heterophony 44-70.
Teoreetilised lähenemised heterofooniale (resümee) 71-72.
Susanne Fürniss
What Is a Part? Polyphony between Perception and Conception 73-84.
Mis on partii? Polüfoonia taju ja kontseptsiooni vahel (resümee) 85-86.
Anda Beitāne
The Question of “Harmony” in a Local Multipart Music Practice: Eastern Latvia as a Field for Terminological Experimentation 87-97.
„Harmoonia“ küsimus kohalikus mitmehäälses muusikapraktikas: Ida-Läti terminoloogiaeksperimentide väljana (resümee) 98-99.
Ulrich Morgenstern
European Traditions of Solo Multipart Instrumental Music. Terminological Problems and Perspectives 100-114.
Mitmehäälse soolo-instrumentaalmuusika traditsioonid Euroopas. Terminoloogilised probleemid ja perspektiivid (resümee) 115.
Alessandro Bratus
Tracking Relational Spaces on Record: A Multipart Perspective on the Analysis of Recorded Popular Music 116-130.
Salvestise suhestuslike ruumide jälgel: multipart-vaatenurk levimuusika analüüsis (resümee) 131.
Enrique Cámara de Landa 132-142.
Maurizio Agamennone (ed.). Polifonie. Procedimenti, tassonomie e forme: una riflessione “a più voci”. Venezia: il Cardo, 1996, 283 pp. (download)
Toomas Siitan 143
Peter C. Bouteneff. Arvo Pärt: Out of Silene. Yonkers (N.Y.): St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2015, 231 lk. (download)
Margus Pärtlas 146
Eduard Tubin – rahvushelilooja, professionaal, isiksus
Eino Tubin. Ballaad. Eduard Tubina lugu. Tallinn: Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseum, 2015, 239 lk.
Vardo Rumessen (koost.). Vestlused Eduard Tubinaga. Tallinn: Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing, 2015, 360 lk. (download)
Tiina Selke 148
Marju Raju. Some aspects of singing development, the song creating process and favorite songs of Estonian children / Mõningaid aspekte Eesti laste laulmise arengust, ise laulude loomisest ja lemmiklauludest. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Dissertations 6 / Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia Väitekirjad 6, 2015, 130 lk. (download)
Anu Kõlar 151
Heli Reimann. Jazz in Soviet Estonia from 1944 to 1953: Meanings, Spaces and Paradoxes. University of Helsinki, Academic Dissertation (E-Thesis), 2015 (download)
KROONIKA (download) 156
AUTORID / AUTHORS (download) 1