International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

AFRICAN MUSIC: call for submissions

Dear ICTM members of the Study Group on Music in the Arabic World,

Submissions for V10, n4 - 2018 of ILAM's peer reviewed, accredited journal, AFRICAN MUSIC, are currently being accepted. Contributions from the Arabic part of the continent are most welcome and may include topics on a wide variety of research areas, including the transmission, recovery, recording, analysis, and archiving of African music, with the object of establishing a theory of music making in Africa, as well as accounts of the historical, social, cultural, and aesthetic values of African music.  Please send abstracts of around 150 words and up to 8 keywords, as well as institutional affiliation on the first page, along with submissions of articles from primary research on African music and diasporic styles with their roots in Africa to the Editor, Lee Watkins at as WORD documents. Place illustrations where you wish them to appear in print, with captions beneath each illustration (transcription/photo). Use footnotes, not endnotes and standard in-text author-date citations. Updated Author Guidelines are available for download from the ILAM homepage or the newly launched OJS platform. Click on to register as an author and to retrieve the relevant document. Members of the Editorial Board are already registered: please use your initial and surname as in (lwatkins) for both username and password. Consult these Guidelines carefully for style requirements for section headings, the References list, illustrations, etc. and follow the Guidelines in preparing your article. Please contact me if you have any questions or require further information. The final deadline for submissions is Monday, 14 May. Submissions of book, film, DVD and website reviews are also welcome. For the first time submissions in multi-media formats may be considered for publication.

V10 n3 - the 2017 issue of AFRICAN MUSIC is in print and available from ILAM by contacting or going to the ILAM homepage: where there is a link to the contents page and a subscription form beneath the thumb print of the cover. This issue, as all back issues since 2007, includes a DVD of audio recordings and video clips provided by authors to illustrate the music discussed in their articles. Please urge your University's library/music library to subscribe to AFRICAN MUSIC if it does not already do so. Subscriptions and individual purchases, in print or electronic format, of the 2017 issue and all back issues since the journal's inception in 1954, are available from ILAM. Contact to place your orders. AFRICAN MUSIC is also available OPEN ACCESS (with a two-year embargo) on Rhodes University’s Journal platform at:


Lee Watkins (Ph D)

Director of the International Library of African Music 

Rhodes University

Prince Alfred Street


South Africa
