A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
Dear ICTM members of the Study Group on Music in the Arabic World,
Submissions for V10, n4 - 2018 of ILAM's peer reviewed, accredited journal, AFRICAN MUSIC, are currently being accepted. Contributions from the Arabic part of the continent are most welcome and may include topics on a wide variety of research areas, including the transmission, recovery, recording, analysis, and archiving of African music, with the object of establishing a theory of music making in Africa, as well as accounts of the historical, social, cultural, and aesthetic values of African music. Please send abstracts of around 150 words and up to 8 keywords, as well as institutional affiliation on the first page, along with submissions of articles from primary research on African music and diasporic styles with their roots in Africa to the Editor, Lee Watkins at l.watkins@ru.ac.za as WORD documents. Place illustrations where you wish them to appear in print, with captions beneath each illustration (transcription/photo). Use footnotes, not endnotes and standard in-text author-date citations. Updated Author Guidelines are available for download from the ILAM homepage www.ru.ac.za/ilam or the newly launched OJS platform. Click on http://journal.ru.ac.za/ind
V10 n3 - the 2017 issue of AFRICAN MUSIC is in print and available from ILAM by contacting ilamsales@ru.ac.za
Lee Watkins (Ph D)
Director of the International Library of African Music
Rhodes University
Prince Alfred Street
South Africa