A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
This Memorandum is intended to assist those who consider hosting an ICTMD Colloquium. Close consultation with the ICTMD Secretariat is strongly advised.
Once both the prospective host and the ICTMD agree upon the Memorandum, and a formal invitation is received and accepted by the ICTMD, the provisions of the Memorandum shall constitute a formal agreement.
ICTMD Colloquia are intended to further the free exchange of ideas on a given theme, with the objective of gaining and disseminating new insights. ICTMD Colloquia are designed to provide an environment conducive to the overcoming of language and other cultural barriers that often interfere with the recognition and appreciation of differing systems of thought. The typical contribution is participation in discussions; some, but not necessarily all participants may be asked by the programme committee to present prepared statements (“papers”), possibly for distribution in advance. Those invited to an ICTMD Colloquium are expected to attend the whole colloquium.
At the first opportunity after acceptance of the invitation, which may be acomplished by electronic consultation, the Executive Board of the ICTMD approves the theme of the Colloquium and appoints a Programme Committee in consultation with local organisers. In principle, the chairs of the Programme and Local Arrangements Committees should be ICTMD members in good standing, and an Executive Board member, as well as the Secretary General should be on the Programme Committee. The Programme Committee is responsible for the scholarly content of the meeting, including the programme of presentations and discussion sessions. The local organisation may arrange performances, receptions, ceremonial and recreational events after consultation with and approval of the Secretary General, scheduling them in consultation with the ICTMD Programme Committee. As a general principle, the Programme and the Local Arrangements chairs shall be different persons.
The Programme Committee structures the proceedings, establishes the invitation list and solicits contributions. Participation in ICTMD Colloquia is by individual and personal invitation only, endorsed by the ICTMD President or Secretary General. Participants in ICTMD Colloquia will be ICTMD members in good standing, excepting only special guests invited for their relevant expertise.
In planning the colloquium schedule, great care should be taken to leave ample time for formal as well as informal discussion among the participants, which is an integral part of ICTMD Colloquia.
Any publication of official Colloquium documents, such as the official programme, abstracts, and key papers, is planned in mutual consultation by the Local Arrangements Committee, the Programme Committee, and the Secretariat, under the financial responsibility of the local organisation. Official Colloquium documents appear under the ICTMD imprint after approval by the Secretary General of the ICTMD.
The publication of Colloquium proceedings or of selected and revised results should be considered, and budgetary provisions made in the early stages of Colloquium planning, in consultation with the Secretary General. To be considered official publications of ICTMD Colloquia, they should be identified as such on their title pages in the following manner:
International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance (ICTMD) Colloquium, Calcutta, India, 2025
The ICTMD, as an NGO in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO, is entitled to request from UNESCO through its Participation Programme a grant in support of the Colloquium. This application requires the endorsement of the National Commission for UNESCO of the host country and of two other National Commissions. Half of this grant, if received, is to be put at the disposal of the ICTMD to be applied in accordance with UNESCO requirements.
Application for this grant should reach UNESCO at the earliest possible moment - preferably three years before the Colloquium. The local organisation is strongly advised to consult from the outset with the ICTMD Secretariat on application procedures.
Established in August 1987; revised in July 1990 (Falun), August 1999 (Hiroshima), October 2005 (online), September 2006 (Ljubljana), August 2023 (online).