A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
On 15 July 2023, the 46th General Assembly of ICTM Members voted to change the name of our organisation to THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TRADITIONS OF MUSIC AND DANCE (ICTMD). This momentous decision, however, had to be ratified by a simple majority of votes, as per the existing Statute 12e.
A ratification vote was conducted soon afterwards. All ICTM members in good standing received an email with a direct link to vote on Tuesday, 25 July 2023 at 00:00, Coordinated Standard Time (UTC), and the voting period lasted for one month, until 25 August 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC. The results of the vote were: 87% (540 votes) in favour of ratifying the new name, 10% (62 votes) against, and 3% (16 votes) abstentions.
Therefore, on 26 August 2023 at 00:00:00 UTC, and for the second time in our organisation's 75-year-old history, a new name has been ratified and adopted. The Statutes have already been updated to reflect these changes, and can be found on the new page Statutes of the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance. Other documents (e.g., Memoranda, Guidelines, etc.), publications, website contents and other materials will be updated in due course. The new domain of the Council is ictmd.org.