The Yearbook for Traditional Music. Vol. 49 (2017) has been published
The International Council for Traditional Music is pleased to announce the publication of Vol. 49 (2017) of the Yearbook for Traditional Music, with the following contents:
- ‘Traditional Music and the Work-Concept: The Kayagŭm Sanjo of Hwang Byungki’ by Andrew Killick
- ‘Making Traditions: Girls’ Carnival Morris Dancing and Material Practice’ by Lucy Wright
- ‘Stomping on the Ground: Dancing Flamenco through Tokyo’s Soundscape’ by Yolanda van Ede
- ‘Dancing the Archive: Rhythms of Change in Montserrat’s Masquerades’ by Kathleen A. Spanos
- ‘Conceptualizing Noongar Song’ by Clint Bracknell
- ‘Musical Spirits and Powerful Voices: On the Origins of Song’ by Bernd Brabec de Mori
- ‘Liminal Utterances and Shapes of Sadness: Local and Acoustic Perspectives on Vocal Production among the Yezidis of Armenia’ by Estelle Amy de la Bretèque, Boris Doval, Lionel Feugère, Louis Moreau-Gaudry
- ‘Unimagining Song: Making Kin in the Vocal Scene’ by Chris Tonelli
Volume 49 also contains 8 book reviews, 15 audio reviews, 3 film/video reviews, and 4 website reviews. Audiovisual support materials are available on the issue's homepage.
The Yearbook for Traditional Music is a refereed scholarly journal which carries essays, reviews, and reports in the area of traditional music and dance research. For more information on how to obtain a copy, please visit the Yearbook's main page.