A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
Time: Saturday, 2nd September, 2023, 16:30 (local time)
Location: Film Auditorium, Kane Building, University College of Cork
Chair: Leonardo D’Amico
In Attendance on-site: Leonardo D’Amico, Helen Rees, George Murer, Diego Pani, Zhiyi Qiaoqiao Cheng, Dujiukun Yan, He Hua, Marco Lutzu, Daniele Zappatore, Giacomo Boschi, Yuri Prado, Xulia Feixoo Martinez, Dario Ranocchiari, Ricardo Gonzalez, Marta Fernandez, Jonathan Stock, Julian Grey, Maria Eugenia Dominguez, Miguel Angel Garcia Velasco
1. Opening of meeting, brief conclusion for the 3rd symposium of AVESG, and agenda introduction. Leonardo introduced:
-We already have 120 members on AVESG from all over the world.
-We received 22 film proposals and 19 paper proposals for the 3rd symposium. 13 papers and 12 films were selected.
- On-line visual ethnomusicology now has a significant presence with two websites:
-and a Facebook page created by Marija Dumnić Vilotijević (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1266083033994437)
-The study group shared Dropbox account is open for use: A DropBox specific to our SG on AV has been created by Carlos Yoder to make all files available to all our members. Please see the link here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/hz1bezxr3xar24a0enj9w/h?dl=0&rlkey=4klj7h39p4rhved30l4ixc741
2. Approval of the 5th business meeting minutes
Leonardo provided a short summary of the last welcome meeting and sent special thanks to the chair of LAC, Jonathan Stock, for helping to organize the meeting in Ghana.
We are excited to announce that the upcoming conference will take place in Kulangsu island, Xiamen, China. This conference is planned as a joint event with the China Music Ethnographic Film Festival (CMEFF) and will be hosted by Shanghai Conservatory of Music and Kulangsu local arrangement committee (Kulangsu is a tiny island located in Xiamen and considered as a historic international settlement by UNESCO). Zhiyi Qiaoqiao Cheng, the proposer, introduced the Film festival and discussed the possible schedule and activities for the conference. While the exact time, duration and themes are still open for further discussion, we are eager to continue planning this exciting event.
To watch a short video introduction of the festival, please:
-Check the study group DropBox, find the file named: CMEFF;
-Click the link to watch a short video introduction of the festival:
4. Definition of the programme committee:
-Film Committee: Xiao Mei, Daniele Zappatore, Julian Grey, Miguel Angel Garcia Velasco
-Program Committee: Helen Rees, Yuri Prado, Xu Xin, Marco Lutzu, He Hua
-Local Arrangement Committee: Feng Lei, Xiao Mei, Zhiyi Qiaoqiao Cheng
Leonardo especially mentioned:
-the spirit of being part of the committee that requires every committee member to participate professionally, seriously and be responsible. Not responding to emails, and refusing to cooperate for work is unbearable.
-The members of film and program committees rotate every symposium, in order to give a wider possibility to our study group members.
5. Election of the Jury for Capitella Fellowship 2024
Leonardo introduced the general background of this fellowship, and the last jury member from AVESG was Sonja Kieser. This time, George Murer was elected.
6. Other issues
Dario Ranocchiari as part of the committee of JAVEM, shared the information about the issue time of the journal. This streaming journal will be published once a year currently. If there more submissions in the future, the committee will consider changing the journal from an annual to a semi-annual.
Dario also shared the peer-review system of the journal. Text format is also welcome to the journal, it could be interviews or film insight by authors. The journal is expecting more contributors to share new ideas as well as junior proposals.
George Murer will be responsible for the report of the 3rd symposium of AVESG.
All members are welcome to upload their films or presentations to our study group Dropbox.
The chair thanked all present and adjourned the meeting in the end.
Recorded by Zhiyi Qiaoqiao Cheng