International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Appendix to Bulgaria country report, Bulletin of the ICTM 145 (January 2021)


Several ethnomusicological books were published in Bulgaria by ICTM members in the past few years.

  • Ivanka Vlaeva. 2017. Музиката в глобалния свят (отражения в българското образование). Muzikata v globalniya svyat (otrageniya v bǔlgarskoto obrazovanie) [Music in the Global World (Reflections in the Bulgarian Education)]. Sofia: SONM. ISBN 978-954-852-390-5

  • Rosemary Statelova. 2019. Естрада и социализъм: проблясъци. Estrada I socializǔm: problyasǔci [Estrada and Socialism: Glimpses]. Sofia: Riva. ISBN 978-954-320-661-2

  • Rosemary Statelova. 2020. Разказът на един музиковед. Razkazǔt na edin muzikoved [The story of one musicologist]. Sofia: Riva. ISBN 978-954-320-713-8

  • Ventsislav Dimov. 2019. Музиката за народа на медийния фронт (Меката власт на народната и популярната музика в социалистическа България). Muzikata za naroda na mediiniya front (Mekata vlast na narodnata I populyarnata muzika v socialisticheska Bǔlgaria) [Music for the people on the media front (The soft power of peoples and popular music in Socialist Bulgaria)]. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press. ISBN 978-954-07-4796-5.

  • Lozanka Peycheva. 2019. ‘Народният дух’ в авторските песни от България. ‘Narodniyat duh’ v avtorskite pesni ot Bǔlgaria [‘The folk spirit’ in author’s songs from Bulgaria]. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press ). ISBN 978-954-07-4875-7.

There are other publications with ethnomusicological articles in this period. Lozanka Peycheva was the head editor of a collective book Bashtata na Bǔlgarskata Ethnografiya (The father of Bulgarian ethnography) dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the influential Bulgarian ethnographer Hristo Vakarelski, who was published in 2016 and included some articles by Bulgarian ethnomusicologists.

In 2017 the book Proekcii na culturnite traditsii Bǔlgaria – Macedonia (Projections of the cultural traditions Bulgaria – Macedonia) was co-edited by Lozanka Peycheva. It contains articles from ethnomusicologists from Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia. In 2020 Lozanka Peycheva was also an editor for the collection Mekata vlast na populyarnata muzika v mediite: po primeri ot Bǔlgaria I Balkanite (The soft power of popular music in the media: by examples from Bulgaria and the Balkans). The authors of the studies in the collection are researchers from Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia.