Journal of the International Folk Music Council. Vol. 4 (1952)
General Editor:
Maud Karpeles
Table of Contents
- Editorial
- ‘Some Impressions of the Yugoslav Conference and Festival’ by Marie Slocombe
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference Held at Opatija, Yugoslavia
- ‘Slovene Folk Dance and Folk Music’ by France Marolt
- ‘Le Rythme Critere de L'Attitude Individuelle et Collective’ by Antoine-E. Cherbuliez
- ‘Styles et Techniques des Danseurs Traditionnels Serbes’ by Ljubica Yanković and Danica Yanković
- ‘Migrations and Mutations of Oriental Folk Instruments’ by Edith Gerson-Kiwi
- ‘Les Bases Tonales de la Musique Populaire Serbe’ by Miodrag A. Vasiljević
- ‘Correspondence between Eastern and Western Folk Epics’ by Felix Hoerburger
- ‘Yemenite Dances and Their Influence on the New Israeli Folk Dances’ by Gurit Kadman
- ‘Les Formes Polyphoniques dans la Musique Populaire de Bosnie et D'Herzegovine’ by Cvjetko Rihtman
- ‘Les Rapports Reciproques du Folklore et de la Creation Musicale Artistique en Slovenie’ by Radoslav Hrovatin
- ‘Contenu Ideologique et Proces Rythmique de la Danse Populaire Macedonienne’ by Emanuil Ćućkov
- ‘Folk Song and the Concert Singer’ by Patrick Shuldham-Shaw
- ‘Folk Songs in the Folk Plays of the Austrian Alpine Regions’ by Leopold Kretzenbacher and K. D.
- ‘Les Caracteres Metriques dans la Musique Populaire Macedonienne’ by Zivko Firfov
- ‘Some Theoretical Statements on the Art of Musical Folklore’ by Ivo Kirigin
- ‘Importance des Musiques Ethniques dans la Culture Musicale Contemporaire’ by Paul Collaer
- Other Communications
- Programme Notes on the Dances and Songs Performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival
- ‘Folk and Primitive Music in Canada’ by Margaret Sargent
- Notes and News
- ‘Sven Kjellström’ by Mats Rehnberg
- ‘Otto Lehmann’ by Fritz Braun
- ‘France Marolt’ by Natko Devčić
- ‘Mrs. A. Sanson Catz’ by W. D. Scheepers
- Reports from Correspondents and National Organisations
Publications Received
Music, Books and Pamphlets
- The Standard Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Legend by Maria Leach. Review by M. D.
- Texas Folk Songs by William A. Owens; Folksongs of Alabama by Byron Arnold. Review by M. K.
- Folk Songs of Virginia by Arthur Kyle Davis,. Review by M. K.
- An Index of English Songs by E. A. White; Margaret Dean-Smith. Review by M. K.
- La Africanía de la Música Folklórica de Cuba by Fernando Ortiz; Los Bailes y el Teatro de los Negros en el Folklore de Cuba by Fernando Ortiz. Review by N. F.
- Babassuê by Oneyda Alvarenga. Review by N. F.
- Cancionero Popular Americano. Review by V. K.
- Del Areito de Anacaona al Poema Folklórico by Enrique de Marchena. Review by N. F.
- Altrussische Volkslieder aus dem Pečoryland by Elsa Mahler. Review by E. G.-K.
- "Cyprus Folk Muse" (Κνπριακη Λαϊκη Μονσα) by Th. Kallinikos. Review by S. M.
- Melodični i harmonični osnovi na bŭlgarskata narodna pesen. (The Melodic and Harmonic Structure of Bulgarian Folk Song) by A. Karastoyanov; Ritŭm i takt v bŭlgarskata narodna muzika. (Rhythm and Time in Bulgarian Folk Music) by A. D. Motsev. Review by E. V. de B.
- Hrvatske Narodne Pjesme (Kajkavske) by Vinko Zganec. Review by T. K.
- Canções Populares Portuguesas. Volume II. Review by N. F.
- Singing Englishman by A. L. Lloyd; 20 Songs by A. L. Lloyd; Alan Bush; Twelve Russian Folk Songs by Matyas Seiber. Review by M. K.
- Die Volkstänze in Österreich und verwandte Tänze in Europa by Richard Wolfram. Review by R. G.
- Prilozi biografskom rečniku srpskih muzičara. (Contributions Towards a Biographical Dictionary of Serbian Musicians) by Vladimir R. Đorđević; "Neki problemi istoriskog i teoriskog proučavanja naše orske igre i orske muzike." (Some of the Problems Involved in the Study of Our Traditional Dances and Dance Songs from the Historical and Theoretical Point of View) by Ljubica S. Janković; Narodne Igre. (Folk Dances). Vol. VI by Ljubica Janković; Danica Janković. Review by E. V. de B.
- Nederlandse Volkdansen. Vol. I by A. Sanson-Catz; A. de Koe. Review by H. v. d. A. and K. D.
- Volkstänze der Schweiz. Vol. II. Volkstänze aus der Alemannischen Schweiz by Louise Witzig. Review by H. v. d. A. and K. D.
- Handbooks of European National Dances by Violet Alford. Review by E. J. N.
- The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes by Iona Opie; Peter Opie. Review by E. J. N.
- Children's Games throughout the Year by Leslie Daiken. Review by E. J. N.
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- Hullabaloo and Other Singing Folk Games by Richard Chase. Review by E. J. N.
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- Animal Folk Songs for Children by Ruth Crawford Seeger. Review by D. H. S.
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- Ralph Vaughan Williams, A Study by Hubert Foss. Review by A. E. C.
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- Terschellinger Volksleven by Jaap Kunst. Review by A. A. B.
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- Lebendiges Volksschauspiel in Steiermark by Leopold Kretzenbacher. Review by K. D.
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- Bibliographie Internationale des Arts et Traditions Populaires by Paul Geiger; Robert Wildhaber. Review by M. K.
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- Catálogo ilustrado do Museu Folclórico by Oneyda Alvarenga. Review by N. F.
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- Il Semana Nacional de Folclore by Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I. B. E. C. C.. Review by N. F.
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- Fine Song for Singing. A Celtic Odyssey by Clement Hosking. Review by M. K.
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- The Film and Fundamental Education by Peter Brinson; Film and Filmstrip Projection in Fundamental Education by Peter Brinson; Choice and Care of Films in Fundamental Education by Peter Brinson; Choice and Care of Filmstrips in Fundamental Education by George Seager. Review by M. K.
Periodicals and Articles
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- Norsk Musikkgranskning: Årbok, 1947-1950 by O. M. Sandvik. Review by K. D.
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- Folkmusik Pȧ Skiva by Bo Wallner. Review by K. D.
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- Die Musik der Eskimos by Zygmunt Estreicher. Review by A. A. B.
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- The Music of the Lapps by Ernst Emsheimer. Review by M. K.
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- Raimund Zoder und die österreichische Volkskunde by Leopold Schmidt. Review by K. D.
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- "Vom Wert des Tanzes, insonderheit des Kontratanzes" and "Über den Kontratanz" by Georg Goetsch. Review by R. G.
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- Sonderdruck aus Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung. Review by K. D.
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- Neerlands Volksleven No. 2. Review by A. A. B.
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- Ar Soner. Review by J.-M. G.
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- Bulletin Folklorique d'Ile de France. Review by V. A.
- Le Folklore Brabançon. Tome XXII, No. 125. Review by V. A.
- L'Onde Wallonne by Roger Pinon. Review by P. S.-S.
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- Le Folklore musical à l'école by Roger Pinon. Review by W. L.
- La Chanson de Résistance aux occupants de 1815-1830 by Roger Pinon. Review by P. S.-S.
- La Nouvelle Lyre Malmédienne ou la vie en Wallonie malmédienne reflétée dans la chanson folklorique by Roger Pinon. Review by P. S.-S.
- Journal of the Welsh Folk Song Society. Review by P. S.-S.
- "Piesn i muzyka ludowa Wielpolski i Ziemi Lubuskiej w swietle dotych czasowych badan." ("Songs and Folk Music in the Province of Great Poland. North-Western Region around Poznan: And the Territories along the Former German. Polish Frontier of 1939"). Review by T. K.
- Mexican Moriscas: A Problem in Dance Acculturation by Gertrude Prokosh Kurath. Review by D. N. K.
- Prolegomena to a Study of the Principal Melodic Families of British-American Folk Song by Samuel P. Bayard; Some Observations about Melodic Variation in British-American Folk Tunes by Bertrand Harris Bronson. Review by F. H.
- Journal of American Folklore. Vol. 64, No. 251. Review by M. K.
- Boletin Latino Americano de Música. Vols. 5 and 6, Part 1 by Francisco Curt Lange. Review by N. F.
- Revista de Estudios Musicales. Review by N. F.
- Revista del Instituto Etnológico Nacional, Vol. IV, Pts. 1 and 2; Nuestra Música; Anuario de la Sociedad Folklórica de México, Vol. VII; Tradición; Anuario Musical Argentino. Review by N. F.
- Folia de Reis de Cunha by Alceu Maynard Araujo. Review by N. F.
- African Music Society News Letter. Vol. 1, No. 4. Review by J. K.
- An Equal-Stepped Tuning in a Ganda Harp by K. P. Wachsmann. Review by A. A. B.
- Tôyô Ongaku Kenkyû. (Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music). Review by A. A. B.
- Errata: An Instantaneous Music Notator