Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council. Vol. 12 (1980)
General Editor:
Norma McLeod
Table of Contents
- ‘Editor's Preface’ by Norma McLeod
- ‘La survivance du Romanceiro dans les chants de fauchage du Tras-os-Montes (Portugal)’ by Anne Caufriez
- ‘Vasil Stoin, Bulgarian Folk Song Collector’ by Barbara Krader
- ‘Aspects of Bulgarian Musical Thought’ by Timothy Rice
- ‘Validation empirique de la méthode sémiologique en musique: le cas des indicatifs de tambour dans les cérémonies Indiennes en Martinique’ by Monique Desroches
- ‘Le cont-chanté comme lieu d'accumulation d'un savoir musical’ by Claude Dauphin
- ‘The Study of Individual Carnatic Musicians’ by Gordon Geekie
Book Reviews
- Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology by Charlotte Heth. Review by Charlotte J. Frisbie
- Music as Culture by Marcia Herndon; Norma McLeod. Review by Steven Feld
- Zbornik dalmatinskih klapskih pjesama. Review by Barbara Krader
- 'Are 'are: Un Peuple Melanesien et sa Musique by Daniel de Coppet; Hugo Zemp. Review by Norma McLeod
- The Life of Music in North India: The Organization of an Artistic Tradition by Daniel M. Neuman. Review by Bonnie C. Wade
Briefly Mentioned
- Adirondack Voices: Woodsmen and Woodslore by Robert D. Bethke
- The 4th Festival of Asian Arts, 19 October - 3 November 1979; The 5th Festival of Asian Arts, 16 October - 1 November 1980
- Ozark Folksongs by Vance Randolph