Yearbook for Traditional Music. Vol. 15 (1983)
General Editor:
Dieter Christensen
Table of Contents
- ‘Editor's Preface’ by D. C.
- ‘Editor's Preface’ by T. Y.
- ‘Editor's Preface’ by H. M.
- ‘Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Conference of the ICTM (IFMC) Held in Seoul, Korea, August 25 -- September 1, 1981’ by Poul Rovsing Olsen
- ‘The Ultimate Aim of Musicology and Ethnomusicology’ by Hye-Ku Lee
- ‘The Maigoto of Nô. A Musical Analysis of the Chu-no-Mai’ by Richard Emmert
- ‘A Comparison of Tozanryu and Kinkoryu Shakuhachi Arrangements for Sankyoku Gasso Made from Identical Originals’ by Ingrid Fritsch
- ‘Unknown Aspects of Korean Influence on Japanese Folk Music’ by Taeko Kusano
- ‘Effects of Urbanization on Matsuri-Bayashi in Tokyo’ by Linda Fujie
- ‘The Four Musical Types of Buddhist Chant in Korea’ by Man-young Hahn
- ‘Melodic Structure of Korean Funeral Procession Songs’ by Oh-sung Kwon
- ‘Ch'unaengjŏn (Nightingale Dance), a Korean Court Dance’ by Il-ji Moon
- ‘The Historical Reliability of the Korean Musical Treatise, Akhak Kwebŏm’ by Bang-song Song
- ‘Le Gandi: Un Simandre Tibétain d'Origine Indienne’ by Mireille Helffer
- ‘The Music of Tibetan Buddhism in Ladakh: The Musical Structure of Tibetan Buddhist Chant in the Ritual Bskaṅ-gso of the Dge-Lugs-pa Sect’ by Atsuko Tsukamoto
- ‘Musical Ornamentation as History: The Hawaiian Steel Guitar’ by Mantle Hood
Review Essays
- A Propos des Publications sur la Musique Viêtnamienne au Cours des Dix Dernières AnnéesA Propos des Publications sur la Musique Viêtnamienne au Cours des Dix Dernières Années. Review by Tran Van Khe
- Thai Music, 1968-1981. Review by Paul Fuller
- Ethnomusicology in Japan since 1970. Review by Ohtani Kimiko and Tokumaru Yoshihiko
Book Reviews
- Essays on Korean Traditional Music by Lee Hye-ku; Robert C. Provine. Review by Song Bang-Song
- Music and Tradition: Essays on Asian and Other Musics Presented to Laurence Picken by D. Richard Widdess; Rembrandt F. Wolpert. Review by Barbara B. Smith
- Vergleichende Musik wissenschaft by Graf Walter. Review by Wolfgang Suppan
- Popular Music I. Folk or Popular? Distinctions, Influences, Continuities by Richard Middleton; David Horn. Review by Bruce W. Pennycook
- Stratigraphische Probleme der Volksmusik in den Karpaten und auf dem Balkan by Alica Elscheková. Review by Barbara Krader
- Native American Music by Marcia Herndon. Review by J. Richard Haefer
- Sound and Sentiment, Birds, Weeping, Poetics and Song in Kaluli Expression by Steven Feld. Review by Jean-Jacques Nattiez and Julie Dolphin
Briefly Mentioned
- Ua'b wa aghānī-l atfāl fil djmhourīyya-l Irākīyya (Children's Plays and Songs from the Iraqi Republic) by Hussein Kaddouri; Ministry of Arts Culture and Information in Baghdad. Review by Scheherazade Qassim Hassan
- Med Piber og Basuner, Skalmeye og Viol: Musikkinstrumenter i Norge ca. 1600-1800 by Bjørn Aksdal. Review by Pandora Hopkins
- Romanian Folk Music by Tiberiu Alexandru. Review by Gizela Suliteanu
- Revival Cults in Jamaica, Notes towards a Sociology of Religion by Edward Seaga. Review by Francis Saighoe
Record Reviews
- The Deep-Rooted Tree P'ansori Collection. Tan-ga (11 Songs). Pansori: "Chŏkpyŏk-ka," "Chunhyang-ga," "Hŭngbo-ga," "Simch'ŏng-ga," "Sugung-ga." by Bang-song Song. Review by Mantle Hood
- Yŏngsan Hoesang by Lee Hye Ku; Lee Byong Won. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- Traditional Music of Korea by Seoul Studio; National Classical Music Institute Seoul. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- "Ch'enta and Heng Ch'un Tune" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "Ch'en Kuan Hua and Fu Lao Folk Music" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Chinese Folk Ministrelsy and Chang T'ien Yu" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Music of Nan Kuan" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Peikuan Music of Chang Hua Li Ch'un Yuan" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Hakka Pa Yin Music of Miao Li Ensemble" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Hakka Folksongs by Lai Pi Hsia" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Ch'au Chou Stage Music of Hong Kong" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Music of Taiwan Aborigines". The Folksongs of the Ami" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Music of Taiwan Aborigines: The Folksongs of the Puyuma and the Yami" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Music of Taiwan Aborigines: Ami-Puyuma" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Music of Taiwan Aborigines: Bunun, Thao, Rukai, Atayol" by Hsu Tsang Houei; "The Music of Taiwan Aborigines: Tsou, Paiwan, Saisiyat, Yami, Plain Aborigines" by Hsu Tsang Houei. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- Bangladesh. Les Garos de la Forêt de Madhuper by Ricardo Canzio; Priscilla V. Ellis. Review by Mireille Helffer
- Musik für Vina. Südindien by d'Artur Simon. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- Musik der Hamar. Südäthiopien by Ivo Strecker. Review by Jos Gansemans
- Musik der Nubier. Nordsudan by A. Simon. Review by Jos Gansemans
- Dikr und Madih. Gesänge und Zeremonien. Islamisches Brauchtum im Sudan by A. Simon. Review by Jos Gansemans
- Mukanda na makisi by Gerhard Kubik. Review by Barbara Schmidt-Wrenger
- Côte d'Ivoire. Chants et danses de Boundiali by P. Augier; P. Dagui; A. Yapo. Review by Jos Gansemans
- Tchad. Musique du Tibesti by Monique Brandily. Review by Jos Gansemans
- Senegal. Musique des Bassari by Centre de Recherches Anthropologiques du Musée de l'Homme; G. Rouget. Review by Jos Gansemans
ICTM Reports: First International Colloquium "Music and the Language Mode," Held at Kołobrzeg, Poland, 25-30 May, 1981
- ‘A View from Poland’ by Anna Czekanowska
- ‘A View from USA’ by Steven Feld