Yearbook for Traditional Music. Vol. 17 (1985)
General Editor:
Dieter Christensen
Table of Contents
- ‘Editor's Preface’ by Dieter Christensen
- ‘Zoltán Kodály and the International Folk Music Council’ by Erich Stockmann
- ‘History in Ethnomusicology’ by Ludwik Bielawski and Ludwik Wiewiorkowski
- ‘Music and Dance Behavior in Anthropogenesis’ by Doris Stockmann
- ‘African Tone-Systems: A Reassessment’ by Gerhard Kubik
- ‘The Context of Venda Possession Music: Reflections on the Effectiveness of Symbols’ by John Blacking
- ‘Model, Variation and Performance. Ful'be Praise-Song in Northern Cameroon’ by Veit Erlmann
- ‘The Terminology of Batak Instrumental Music in Northern Sumatra’ by Artur Simon
- ‘The Kantu Ensemble of the Kallawaya at Charazani (Bolivia)’ by Max Peter Baumann
- ‘Lyoba: Appels au betail et identite en Haute-Gruyere (Suisse)’ by Sylvie Bolle-Zemp
- ‘An Instrumental Melody’ by Bálint Sárosi
Book Reviews
- Music in the Mind. The Concepts of Music and Musicians in Afghanistan by Hiromi Lorraine Sakata. Review by George Dimitri Sawa
- Scottish Fiddle Music in the 18th Century by David Johnson. Review by Carmelle Begin
- Folk Songs of the Catskills by Norman Cazden; Herbert Haufrecht; Norman Studer; Notes and Sources for Folk Songs of the Catskills by Haufrecht Cazden; Studer. Review by Helen Myers
- Songs of the Pintupi; Musical Life in a Central Australian Society by Richard M. Moyle. Review by Gerald Florian Messner
- Folk Music and Modern Sound by William Ferris; Mary L. Hart. Review by Portia K. Maultsby
- Finnish Folk Hymn Singing: Study in Music Anthropology by Paivikki Suojanen. Review by Terry E. Miller
- El Folklore musical by Josep Crivillé i Bargalló. Review by Judith R. Cohen
- The Theory of Music in Arabic Writings (c. 900-1900): Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in Libraries of Europe and the U. S. A. by Amnon Shiloah. Review by Salwa El-Shawan
Briefly Mentioned
- Commercial Recordings of Papua New Guinea Music, 1949-1983 by Don Niles. Review by BC
- Alternative Voices. Essays on Contemporary Vocal and Choral Composition by Istvan Anhalt. Review by BC
Record Reviews
- Música Indígena: A Arte Vocal dos Suyá by Anthony Seeger; Judith Seeger. Review by Jose Jorge De Carvalho
- Music from Mozambique: Chopi Timbila by Ron Hallis. Review by Andrew Tracey
- Music from Mozambique III by Ophera Hallis; Ron Hallis. Review by Andrew Tracey
- Transylvanian Wedding Music by László Kürti. Review by Bela Halmos
- Orient Okzident. Südosteuropa by Wolf Dietrich. Review by Annie Goffre
- Inedit 1: Asie Centrale, Azerbaidjan, Touva et Bachkirie by Maison des Cultures du monde. Review by Mark Slobin and Annette Sanger
- Once More: James Morrison and Tom Ennis. Classic Recordings of Irish Traditional Music in America Played on Fiddle and Uillean Pipes. Review by Philippe Varlet
Brief Report: Audio
- Some Aspects of the Local Cassette Industry of Bali's Traditional Music. Review by Annette Sanger