Yearbook for Traditional Music. Vol. 48 (2016)
Articles for the 2016 Yearbook for Traditional Music focus on themes from ICTM's 43rd World Conference, held in Astana, Kazakhstan, in July 2015 and hosted by the Kazakh National University of Arts. The guest editors for this issue are Razia Sultanova and Timothy Rice. Reviews of books, compact discs, videos, and websites complete the issue.
General Editor:
Kati Szego
Table of Contents
- Guest Editors' Preface by Razia Sultanova and Timothy Rice
- General Editor’s Preface by Kati Szego
- ‘Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Macedonia’ by Velika Stojkova Serafimovska, Dave Wilson and Ivona Opetčeska Tatarčevska
- ‘Gauging Music Vitality and Viability: Three Cases from Cambodia ’ by Catherine Grant and Chhuon Sarin
- ‘Xeremiers de sa Calatrava, from Heydey to Unemployment: Lives Dedicated to the Mallorcan Bagpipes’ by Cassandre Balosso-Bardin
- ‘Multiple Authenticities in Motion: Styles and Stances in Sikh Sabad Kīrtan’ by Inderjit N. Kaur
- ‘Stories of Differentiation and Association: Narrative Identity and the Jola Ekonting ’ by Scott V. Linford
- ‘“The Land of Our Origin”: Music and History in the Norway–Azerbaijan Connection’ by Thomas Solomon
- ‘Computer Sound Analysis of Traditional Music of Transcaucasia and Central Asia’ by Violetta Yunusova and Alexander Kharuto
- ‘A Computer-based Study of Scales on the Kazakh Dombra and Kyl-kobyz’ by Saule Utegalieva
- ‘Spiraling to Redefine (Dis)Ability: A Case Study in Summer Music Programming for Children’ by Louise Wrazen
- ‘Negotiating the Personal and Professional: Ethnomusicologists and Uncomfortable Truths’ by Rebecca S. Miller, Svanibor Pettan, Anne K. Rasmussen, and Margaret Sarkissian
Book Reviews
- Dueck, Byron. Musical Intimacies and Indigenous Imaginaries: Aboriginal Music and Dance in Public Performance. Review by John-Carlos Perea
- Bolick, Harry, and Stephen T. Austin. Mississippi Fiddle Tunes and Songs from the 1930s. Review by Deborah Justice
- Frasca, Simona. Italian Birds of Passage: The Diaspora of Neapolitan Musicians in New York. Review by Joseph Sciorra
- Dan, Henry “Seaman” and Karl Neuenfeldt. Steady Steady: The Life and Music of Seaman Dan. Review by Gabriel Solis
- Stepputat, Kendra. Performing Arts in Postmodern Bali: Changing Interpretations, Founding Traditions. Review by Lawrence Ross
- McMains, Juliet. Spinning Mambo into Salsa: Caribbean Dance in Global Commerce. Review by Sarah Town
- Helbig, Adriana. Hip Hop Ukraine: Music, Race, and African Migration. Review by Maurice Mengel
Book Notes
Download the “Book Notes” section of the Yearbook for Traditional Music, Vol. 48 (2016) in PDF format.
Audio Reviews
- Ghana Muntie: Recordings from the GBC Gramophone Library and Radio Ghana 1947 to 1962. Review by Steven Feld
North America
- Bellows and Bows: Historic Recordings of Traditional Fiddle and Accordion Music from across Canada. Review by Peter Toner
- Douglastown: Musique et chanson de la Gaspésie / Music and song from the Gaspé Coast. Review by Colin Quigley
- Songs My Mother Taught Me. Review by Willie R. Collins
South America
- ¡Canta con Venezuela! / Sing with Venezuela! Review by Katrin Lengwinat
East Asia
- Musajan Rozi: The Korla Diaries. Review by Rachel Harris
- Tsar Teh-yun (1905–2007), maître du qin / Master Tsar, The Art of the Qin. Review by Tsan-Huang Tsai
- Japon: Gagaku: Ensemble Ono / Japan: Gagaku: Ono Ensemble. Review by Steven G. Nelson
West Asia
- From Her Father's House: Iraqi Jewish and Arabic Song. Review by Anne Van Oostrum
- Vemen vestu zingen, vemen? Leibu Levin Performs in Yiddish: Select Archival Recordings from Bukovina, USSR and Israel. Review by Hankus Netsky
- Or Haganuz: Gems of Ashkenazi Hazzanut and Yiddish Songs Revived. Review by Hankus Netsky
- Marit Steinsrud and Stein Villa: Kammersmusikk. Review by Ragnheidur Olafsdottir
- Ireland: Crossroads of Art and Design, 1690–1840: The Music. Review by Daithí Kearney
- Chelitakl: Ongeatel Tekoi er a Belau er a Angaramong / Frühe Tonbandaufnahmen aus Palau / Early Reel-to-Reel Recordings from Palau; Sound Memories of Past Palau: Music in Belau 1965–1966; 15 Favorite Japanese-Influenced Palauan Songs / Derrebechesiil. Review by Brian Diettrich
- Jardiwanpa Yawulya: Warlpiri Women's Songs from Yuendumu. Review by Elizabeth Mackinlay
Film/Video Reviews
- 1 Mart'tan öncesi, 1 Mart'tan sonrası [Before March 1st, After March 1st]: The Life and Music of Mansur Bildik. Review by Irene Markoff
- Zurkhaneh—The House of Strength: Music and Martial Arts of Iran. Review by Liselotte Sels
- Itako: Nakamura Take by Kojima Tomiko, Komoda Haruko, Sawai Kuniyuki, Sumi Miyako, and Nakayama Ichiro. Review by Alison Tokita
Website Reviews
- Archiv für die Musik Afrikas / African Music Archives (AMA). Review by Ana Cristina Almeida
- Turkish Music Portal. Review by Hande Sağlam
- Apsara Media for Intercultural Education. Review by Sean Norton
- MIMO. Musical Instruments Museum Online. Review by Gisa Jähnichen
- Music Vitality & Endangerment. Review by Heather Sparling
- Sound Futures: Sustaining Music, Engaging Communities. Jonathan P. J. Stock