International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Yearbook for Traditional Music. Vol. 49 (2017)

The 2017 Yearbook offers articles on the following topics: Korean kayagŭm sanjo and the western work-concept; dress-making as a research technique in the realm of girls’ carnival morris dancing; the use of sonic information in analyzing Japanese women’s flamenco dancing; Montserratian masquerade performance in the post-volcano era; and the conceptualization of Noongar song in Australia. A trio of articles, curated by guest editors Jeffers Engelhardt and Estelle Amy de la Brèteque, addresses relationships between “speech” and “song.” Reviews of books, audio recordings, films/videos, and websites complete the 49th volume.  

General Editor:  Kati Szego

Table of Contents

  • General Editor’s Preface by Kati Szego
  • Guest Editors' Preface by Jeffers Engelhardt and Estelle Amy de la Bretèque


  • ‘Traditional Music and the Work-Concept: The Kayagŭm Sanjo of Hwang Byungki’ by Andrew Killick
  • ‘Making Traditions: Girls’ Carnival Morris Dancing and Material Practice’ by Lucy Wright
  • ‘Stomping on the Ground: Dancing Flamenco through Tokyo’s Soundscape’ by Yolanda van Ede
  • ‘Dancing the Archive: Rhythms of Change in Montserrat’s Masquerades’ by Kathleen A. Spanos
  • ‘Conceptualizing Noongar Song’ by Clint Bracknell

Speech, Song, and In-Between

  • ‘Musical Spirits and Powerful Voices: On the Origins of Song’ by Bernd Brabec de Mori
  • ‘Liminal Utterances and Shapes of Sadness: Local and Acoustic Perspectives on Vocal Production among the Yezidis of Armenia’ by Estelle Amy de la Bretèque, Boris Doval, Lionel Feugère, Louis Moreau-Gaudry
  • ‘Unimagining Song: Making Kin in the Vocal Scene’ by Chris Tonelli

Book Reviews

  • Brabec de Mori, Bernd. Die Lieder der Richtigen Menschen. Musikalische Kulturanthropologie der indigenen Bevölkerung im Ucayali-Tal, Westamazonien. Review by Julio Mendívil
  • Church, Michael, ed. The Other Classical Musics: Fifteen Great Traditions. Review by Matthew Steel
  • Greve, Martin, ed. Writing the History of “Ottoman Music”. Review by Mehmet Uğur Ekinci
  • Jang Yeonok. Korean P’ansori Singing Tradition: Development, Authenticity, and Performance History. Review by Anna Yates-Lu
  • Jurková, Zuzana, et al. Prague Soundscapes. Review by Jesse A. Johnston
  • Kartomi, Margaret. Musical Journeys in Sumatra. Review by Julia Byl
  • Merchant, Tanya. Women Musicians of Uzbekistan: From Courtyard to Conservatory. Review by Saida Daukeyeva
  • Roberts, Tamara. Resounding Afro Asia: Interracial Music and the Politics of Collaboration. Review by Aja Burrell Wood
  • Dueck, Byron. Musical Intimacies and Indigenous Imaginaries: Aboriginal Music and Dance in Public Performance. Review by John-Carlos Perea

Book Notes

Download the “Book Notes” section of the Yearbook for Traditional Music, Vol. 49 (2017) in PDF format.

Audio Reviews


  • Mauretanien: Nouakchott & Chinguetti. Review by Trevor Wiggins


  • Quelbe! Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights: Music of the US Virgin Islands. Review by Rebecca Dirksen

North America

  • The McIntosh County Shouters: Spirituals and Shout Songs from the Georgia Coast. Review by Súle Greg C. Wilson

South America

  • Amazonie. Contes Sonores / Amazonia. Sound Stories / Amazonien. Klanggeschichten. Review by Anthony Seeger


  • Feldforschungsschätze zur Musik von Minderheiten: Ausgewählte Feldaufnahmen von Ursula Hemetek / Treasures of Fieldwork on Music and Minorities: A Selection of Ursula Hemetek’s Field Recordings. Review by Marcello Sorce Keller
  • Schene Liada—Harbe Tanz: Eine Dokumentation zur Wiener Musik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts / Schene Liada—Harbe Tanz: A Documentation of Viennese Music of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Review by Suzanne Ziegler

South and Central Asia

  • Ustad Rahim Khushnawaz: Afghan Rubab with Songbirds. Review by Mark Slobin

North Africa and West Asia

  • Égypte: Hymnes de L’Église Copte Orthodoxe: Chœur de l’Institut d’Études Coptes / Egypt: Coptic Orthodox Church Hymns: Choir of the Institute of Coptic Studies. Review by Tala Jarjour
  • Kuwait: Sea Songs of the Arabian Gulf: Hamid Bin Hussein Sea Band. Scheherezade Hassan

East Asia

  • Corée: L’art du Sanjo de Cheolhyeongeum / Korea:  The Art of the Cheolhyeongeum SanjoCorée: L’art du Sinawi / Korea:  The Art of Sinawi. Review by Anna Yates-Lu

Southeast Asia

  • Bali 1928, Vol. I: Gamelan Gong Kebyar; Bali 1928, Vol. II: Tembang Kuna; Bali 1928, Vol. III: Lotring and the Sources of Gamelan Tradition; Bali 1928, Vol. IV: Music for Temple Festivals and Death Rituals; Bali 1928, Vol. V: Vocal Music in Dance Dramas; Bali 1928, Anthology: The First Recordings; Bali 1928, Vol. I: CD Gamelan Gong Kebyar and DVD Para Maestro Tari dan Tabuh; Bali 1928, Vol. II: CD Tembang Kuna and DVD Imaji dari Masa Lampau; Bali 1928, Vol. III: CD Lotring dan Sumber-Sumber Tradisi Gamelan and DVD Sumber-Sumber Tradisi Tari dan Tabuh; Bali 1928, Vol. IV: CD Seni Pertunjukan Upacara and DVD Seni Pertunjukan Upacara; Bali 1928, Vol. V: CD Nyanyian dalam Dramatari and DVD Panorama, Tabuh, Tari dan Nyanyian Bali Tahun 1930-an. Review by Megan Collins


  • Sacred Flute Music from New Guinea: Madang/Windim Mambu. Review by Robert F. Reigie
  • Keriba Ged: Traditional and Contemporary Music and Dance from the Murray Islands, Torres Strait. Review by Philip Hayward
  • Antarrengeny Awely: Alyawarr Women’s Songs from Antarrengeny Mer Angenty-warn Alhem: Travelling to Angenty Country. Review by Reuben Brown

Film/Video Reviews

  • Seán Ó Sé: A Life in Song and Story / Saol Caite le hAmhráin agus Scéalta. Review by Sean Williams
  • Stór Damhsa: Irish Traditional Solo Set Dances and Step Dance. Review by Kristin Harris Walsh
  • Firekeepers. Review by Richard Jones-Bamman

Website Reviews

  • Milken Archive of Jewish Music: The American Experience. Review by Judah M. Cohen
  • Afghanistan Music Research Centre. Review by Sean Prieske
  • Cantos Cautivos. Review by Christian Spencer Espinosa
  • The Peter Kennedy Archive. Review by Tiber F. M. Falzett

Support materials

"Traditional Music and the Work-Concept: The Kayagŭm Sanjo of Hwang Byungki" by Andrew Killick

Audio examples

  1. Opening of hwimori movement as played by Hwang Byungki in 1965 (see figure 3).
  2. Opening of hwimori movement as notated by Hwang Byungki in 1962 and played by Kim Yundŏk in 1965 (see figure 3).
  3. Climactic passage of hwimori movement as played by Hwang Byungki in 1965 (see figure 4).
  4. Climactic passage of hwimori movement as played by Hwang Byungki in 1979 (see figure 4).
  5. Climactic passage of hwimori movement as notated by Hwang Byungki in 1998 and played by him in 2014 (see figure 4).
  6. Chungmori movement, opening of section 2, as notated by Hwang Byungki in 1998 and played by him in 2014 (see figure 5).
  7. Chungmori movement, section 3 cycles 3–6, as notated by Hwang Byungki in 1998 and played by him in 2014 (see figure 6).
  8. Chungmori movement, section 3 cycles 5–7, as notated by Hwang Byungki in 1962 and played by him in 1979 (see figure 8).

"Dancing the Archive: Rhythms of Change in Montserrat’s Masquerades" by Kathleen Spanos

Video clips

Emerald Shamioles Masquerade Troupe at Festival 51

Emerald Shamioles Masquerade Troupe

"Liminal Utterances and Shapes of Sadness: Local and Acoustic Perspectives on Vocal Production among the Yezidis of Armenia" by Estelle Amy de la Bretèque, Boris Doval, Lionel Feugère, Louis Moreau-Gaudry

Audio clips

  1. sound_entireFile
  2. sound_part1_speech
  3. sound_part2_song
  4. sound_part3_speech
  5. sound_part4_lament
  6. sound_part5_speech
  7. sound_part6_nonMelodizedLament