International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Conference of the ICTM Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA)

Call for Papers and Compositions
The First Conference of the ICTM Study Group for
Musics of East Asia (MEA)
December 20-22, 2007 Shanghai
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Adrienne Kaeppler

The Study Group for Musics of East Asia (MEA), which was formed within the framework of ICTM in 2006, is pleased to announce its first meeting to be held, December 20-22, 2007, in Shanghai, China, at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Those who are interested in East Asian musical cultures are welcomed to become the members and attend the conference to exchange knowledge and ideas and further develop the field.

The conference themes for the 2007 meeting are as follows:

1. The role of Shanghai in East Asian musical development
2. Issues in Traditional Music
This theme can include broad topics related to traditional music, such as changes, continuity, transmission, relation with new compositions, ecological environments, cultural policies, modern educational systems, and so on.
3. East Asian musics and colonialism
4. Music, identity, and the nation-state imagination
5. Interpretation of East Asian musical notation
6. New Research

We invite two formats of presentations: 1) individual paper presentations, and 2) presentations of new compositions. Individual paper presentations are 20 minutes long and will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion. New compositions to be submitted are expected to reflect the composers’ interpretation of East Asian traditional musical cultures in the current context. We plan to accept 3 to 4 compositions, which will be presented, either live or recorded, within a total of about two hours.

English is the official language for the meeting, and only presentations to be delivered in English can be accepted. Proposals must all be submitted in English as well.

1) Proposals for Paper Presentations
Individual paper proposals must include:
a) The Paper Proposal Form
b) A 350-word maximum abstract written in English
・Because abstract review is anonymous, please do not include your name in the body of the abstract.

2) Proposals for Presentations of New Compositions
New compositions eligible for presentation are those composed after January 1, 2000. Whether they have been performed in public before is not crucial. Each presenter will be allotted 25 minutes: 15 minutes or less for performance, the rest for presentation. Rehearsals before the conference will be arranged for selected works. The rehearsal schedule will be announced later.
Proposals for presentations of new compositions should include:
a) The Composition Proposal Form
b) A portfolio indicating the title and length of the composition and outlining all the necessary contents and technical elements including its instrumentation
c) A complete score (if applicable) or something equivalent
d) A complete recording of the work:
・The duration of the performance should not exceed 15 minutes.
・The acceptable recording formats are: computer file (CD-Rom), audio-CD, audio cassette tape, MD, DVD (region code 6 or Chinese code only), and VHS tape (both PAL and NTSC systems are acceptable)

We can provide a small size orchestra of western instruments and Chinese folk music ensemble. Other types of music should better be recorded, in the form of either audio or video. Compositions are to be evaluated by a committee formed by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

Proposal Deadline: August 1, 2007

1) Submissions of Proposals for Paper Presentations
Individual paper proposals should be submitted by email. Please copy the Paper Proposal Form from the “Up Coming Conference” section of the MEA website
( and paste it into an email message for submission. If you are unable to submit your proposals by email, you may send a hard copy plus computer diskette. The submissions must be postmarked by the deadline of August 1, 2007.
Address for Paper Proposal Submissions:
Postal mail: ICTM Study Group for Musics of East Asia
Attn: Miss Pei-Ling Huang
Graduate Institute of Musicology
National Taiwan University
#1, Roosevelt Road, Sec. 4
Taipei 106, Taiwan

2) Submissions of Proposals for New Compositions
Please print out the Composition Proposal Form from the “Up Coming Conference” section of the MEA website ( and send it with all other required materials to the address below. The submissions must be postmarked by August 1, 2007.
Address for Composition Proposal Submissions:
Chen Tingting, MEA Composition Committee—Shanghai 2007
Dept. of Musicology
Shanghai Conservatory of Music
20 Fenyang Road, Shanghai, 200031
P. R. China
Following ICTM policy, all participants whose proposals have been accepted for the program must be ICTM members. New members may join and submit a proposal at the same time. Proposals from students are encouraged. Membership applications are available at the ICTM website ( For membership questions, contact the ICTM Secretariat at or write to: ICTM Secretariat, School of Music, Australian National University, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences Building 100, Canberra, A.C.T. 0200, Australia.

ICTM members whose proposals have been accepted for the program must pre-register for the meeting by November 1, 2007. Otherwise the accepted presentation will not be included in the final program.

Participants who discover they are unable to attend the meeting should notify the program chair immediately ( Pre-registration cancellations made after November 20, 2007 will not qualify for a refund.

The Program Committee consisting of the following MEA members is responsible for organizing paper sessions: SHEEN Dae-Cheol (Korea), Hae-Kyung UM (UK), Larry WITZLEBEN (USA), XIAO Mei (China), YANG Mu (Australia), YANG Yandi (China), and Minako WASEDA (Japan) as a chair. For further questions about the paper session program for MEA 2007, please contact: Minako WASEDA by email:

The Composition Committee consisting of the following members from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music is responsible for organizing presentations of new compositions: YANG Yandi (China), XIAO Mei (China), LUO Qin(China), HAN Zhongen(China), ZHU Shirui(China), WANG Jianmin(China), GUO Shuhui(China). For further questions about the composition program for MEA 2007, please contact: YANG Yandi by email:

The conference is to be held in the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, 20 Fenyang Road, Shanghai, P. R. China. For questions about local arrangements, contact:

MEA Local Arrangement Committee —Shanghai 2007
Dept. of Musicology, Shanghai Conservatory of Music
20 Fenyang Road, Shanghai, 200031, P. R. China
Fax: +86-21-6433-4454.

The host institution, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, will provide financial supports. All the presenters are provided with accommodation and meals. They are only responsible for their transportation expenses to Shanghai and the pre-registration fee of 30 USD (10 USD for students sending a copy of their student IDs). In addition, the keynote speaker chosen by the program committee will enjoy sponsored travel expenditure.

December 20th 9:00 – 17:00 Registration
18:00- Opening Ceremony
December 21st 9:00-10:30 Plenary Session by Dr. Adrienne Kaeppler
11:00-12:30 Paper session
14:00-17:30 Paper sessions
19:15-21:30 Presentation of New Compositions
December 22nd 9:00-12:30 Paper sessions
14:00-17:30 Paper Sessions
18:00- Closing Ceremony and Conference Dinner
December 23rd Departure

For further information and updates, please visit the MEA homepage:, then, click “Upcoming Conference.”