International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Past Mediterranean Music Studies (formerly Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures) Study Group Meetings, 1992-2014

Symposia of the Study Group “Mediterranean Music Studies”

(conference programmes attached below)


10th Symposium

Mysticism, Magic and Supernatural in Mediterranean Music

St John’s College Divinity School, University of Cambridge

27–29 June 2014


9th Symposium

Musical Insularity: How it Favours Conservation, How it Triggers Innovation

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon

10-12 July 2012



Meetings of the Study Group “Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures”

(conference programmes attached below)

8th Meeting

Musical Translations Across the Mediterranean

Valletta, Malta

1-4 July 2010


7th Meeting

Cosmopolitan Cities and Migrant Musics

In memory of Tullia Magrini

Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Venice

28-30 June 2007



For full details of meetings from 1992 to 2004 see:


6th Meeting

Music in Mediterranean Islands

Fondazione Olga e Ugo Levi – Venice

June 10-12, 2004


5th Meeting

Trends and Processes in Today's Mediterranean Music 

Fondazione Olga e Ugo Levi - Venice

June 14-16 2001


4th Meeting

Music as Representation of Gender in Mediterranean Cultures

Fondazione Olga e Ugo Levi – Venice

June 11-13 1998


3rd Meeting

Musicisti del Mediterraneo: Storia e Antropologia

[Mousiké Centro Studi Arti dello Spettacolo nel Mediterraneo

Università degli Studi di Bari

ICTM Study Group on the Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures]

Bari – Molfetta

27-30 giugno 1996


2nd Meeting

Past and Present: Perspectives for the Anthropology of Mediterranean Music

Venice - Fondazione Olga e Ugo Levi

June 1-3, 1995


1st Meeting

Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures

Venice - Fondazione Levi

September 10-12, 1992



Colloquia organized in association with the Study Group “Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures”

(colloquia programmes attached below)

22nd ICTM Colloquium

Pan Mediterranean Poetic Competitions and their Music: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Practice

Portel, Portugal

2-4 December 2011


20th ICTM Colloquium

Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and its Jewish Diasporas

Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge

20-23 July 2008