International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

First (1st) Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences - Call for Papers

28-30 September 2020 (new dates!)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Symposium themes:

The ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS) aims to bring together and support scholars whose work combines methods and approaches from ethnomusicology and/or ethnochoreology with those from the sciences to explore sound and movement in musical and dance contexts. Here, the sciences are broadly defined, including but not limited to disciplines such as cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, computer science, statistics, mathematics, biology, physics, and medical science.

We propose that ethnographic and science-based approaches can complement each other, producing insights that might be difficult to achieve otherwise. However, we acknowledge the difficulties associated with such complementary work. For our first official symposium, we welcome proposals on any topic that aligns with the aims and themes of the Study Group. In particular, we invite contributions that combine ethnographic and science-based approaches, explore the issues involved in such endeavors, or present reflective discussions on relevant theories and methodologies.

Keynote speaker:

Gediminas Karoblis (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Abstract submission:

Abstracts should include a title as well as name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s). The total abstract length should not exceed 300 words and should be submitted through the following portal:

Presentation modes:

Please specify in the submission the preferred presentation mode:
Oral presentation of an individual paper (20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions); panel (30 minutes x number of speakers, maximum total of 120 minutes); roundtable (20 minutes x number of speakers, maximum total of 120 minutes); poster presentation (A1).

Submission deadline:

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 January 2020 (deadline extension!), and notifications will be sent in early February. Membership of the Study Group is not required, but by the time of registration participants must be ICTM members in good standing.


Please feel free to contact Rainer Polak ( or André Holzapfel ( with any questions regarding the symposium. If you have questions concerning the Study Group or ICTM membership, contact Kendra Stepputat (, Lara Pearson ( or Rafael Caro Repetto (

Symposium Program Committee:

Rainer Polak (Chair)
Siri Mæland
Babak Nikzat
Stella Paschalidou

Local Organising Committee:

André Holzapfel

SoMoS Executive Committee:

Kendra Stepputat
Lara Pearson
Rafael Caro Repetto