A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
The Nomination Committee requests proposals for nominations to fill positions on the Executive Board that will become vacant at the time of the General Assembly, July 2013. These positions are as follows:
The vacant position of President is currently occupied by Adrienne Kaeppler (USA). In July 2013 Dr. Kaeppler will have completed two terms of office (eight years) and will not be eligible for re-election.
The vacant position of Vice President is currently occupied by Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco (Portugal). In July 2013 Professor Castelo-Branco will have completed one term of office (four years) and will be eligible for nomination and re-election.
The vacant positions for Ordinary Members are currently occupied by Ursula Hemetek (Austria), Don Niles (Papua New Guinea) and Timothy Rice (USA). In July 2013 each of these Ordinary Members will have completed one term of office (six years) and is eligible for nomination and re-election. However, Professor Rice has indicated that he does not wish to serve a second term.
All ICTM members in good standing may be proposed for positions on the Executive Board. According to the ICTM Rules, proposals may be made by the Executive Board, by National and Regional Committees, and by two individual members from different countries. If the total number of proposals exceeds three for any of the positions, it is the responsibility of the Nomination Committee to decide which three names will appear on the ballots.
Proposals should be sent to the Secretariat or to one of the members of the Nomination Committee (see below). All those proposed should be current paid-up members of ICTM. The deadline for receiving proposals is 31 December 2012.