International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Doctoral dissertations and publications

Appendix to Spain country report                                 

Bulletin of the ICTM 136, January 2018



Members of SIBE have presented their doctoral theses on the topics of cueca urbana in Santiago de Chile (Christian Spencer 2015), saetas andaluzas (Eloisa Zoia 2015), World Music in the Mediterranean (Gómez Muns 2016), auroros of the Murcia region (López Núñez 2016), the dulzaina in Valladolid (Martínez Muñiz 2016), rock andaluz (García Peinazo 2016), the traditional music of Ecuador’s province of Esmeraldas [música tradicional afroesmeraldeña] (Palacios Mateos 2017), and music and ethnicity in Romanian Moldavia (Revilla Gútiez 2017).