International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

ICTMD National Committee for Croatia

The current Chair of the ICTM Croatia National Committee is Irena Miholić.


Appendix to Croatia country report, Bulletin of the ICTM 129 (October 2015)

Below is an appendix to the country report for Croatia found in the Bulletin of the ICTM 129, written by Tvrtko Zebec.

Participation in conferences, panels, lectures and sub-study groups:

41st World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, St. John’s, Kanada, 13-19 July 2011 (Naila Ceribašić, Joško Ćaleta);

42nd World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Shanghai, People's Republic of China, 11-17 July 2013,  (Naila Ceribašić);